Show 1 UTAH 6iODTATE TO LIVE II I HI 1 The attention of homcaeokcrs and of Investors should be partlculorly directed di-rected to the lawabiding qualities of the permanent population of Utah Situated as wo arc upon two great transcontinental lines of transportation transporta-tion and in the center of the great basin much of the human driftwood from tho East and West Is cast upon our shores As a consequence with < y iI I S 1i L9i 1 JxPJ IfB B ID X S i 5 I i i c S Judgo O W Powers i out fault of our own We are never free from the criminal classes But both Mormon and Gentile can unite In declaring that nowhere In the world can there be found a more peaceful honest and Industrious people than right here In Utah We puy our honest debts both public and private We meet our obligations usually as they becomo due and unl foimlly as soon as we arc able to do o Tt Is I rare In our courts that the statute of Limitations la I pleaded aa a defense to an honest debt and tho per centago of Utah people Is extremely small who resort to sharp practices to take from another that which rightfully right-fully belongs to him A people actuated actu-ated by the instincts of innate honesty hon-esty are good people to live among and where such people live Is an excellent ex-cellent place for permanent Investors I Then too property rights are here held sacred and receive ample protection protec-tion at the hands of our lawmakers and our courts Wo are a people who believe In the reign of the law Wo believe In the lawn enforcement even when we disagree dis-agree as to its policy Even In time of public excitement In the face of some a clou qnfl hqrrJblQ grUne c our peq J pIe Insist tgtho t law shall take Its course andj ground the accused with those saf < sojp which procure for him a fair i mpartlal trial Lynch law here reefgs no supporL Tho rulo of the mob hievcr countenanced and our legal hl shows that when It has been afcsnpted those who havo thus Indulgehhelr passions are vigorously vigor-ously proseci While our resources ar marvelottiwhno i the rocks of our hills are gltjf c with gold and silver 7 and our vallft lwl the fertility l of the land of UMMC the attractions of our State lnBe regards are excelled by the stcrllnSjlltlcs Of our PoPulation popula-tion s The man invests a dollar In Utah enterpta or in Utahs Soil or mines may i1 content that his dollar dol-lar vi 111 bo ayPn protected hero as It can be anyw e upon the earth The man who by n hOJne In tHJ1 may content his with the thought that he has purcj 1 ll a home where law reigns and I ty Is i recognized as a virtue Wlil e 1I1d to this the opportunities op-portunities 4 evcry hand for getting get-ting on in tc orld the fact that our educationait 1Ut1 rival those ot older States fad that every breeze from our k uln bears upon its wings the h Of hcalth the fact that the eyi lnddencd with a vista of mounlal Jlor rind sea and that the ruturoJ lecill to our toilers find to ca opportunities for success suc-cess sreat 1 thO fairest dreams ot the most I h j oe cnn with truth say to all utah 19 I a good State to live In an there iS I no better Satc forf t al seeldn safe and 01 ment I OIV P WERB 11 I L L I II i oiiIioIIk |