Show D H BLOSSOM 1 Among the promising young civil engineers of our city Is Mr D H Blossom He was born at Pawlet Vt September 10 1872 After attending various schools of Vermont and New York he graduated June 1596 with 2di I 4 fA3 flt3 3 1 rr high hqnors from Mjiddlebury J college of his native State securing the degree of A B and becoming a member of the Phi Beta Kappa society after which he entered postgraduate course in civil engineering a t the Massachusetts Institute oC Technology Mr Blossom came to Utah In April 1897 at first engaging government contracting work Later under R M Jones he was employed as assistant and finally raised to superintendent In the construction of the Salt Lake City Water and Electrical Power company plant at Jordan narrows Holding various va-rious important positions In the railroad rail-road field and In the office of the United States SurveyorGeneial gives him an extensive and valuable experience In civil and mining engineering throughout through-out the Intermountain country Mr Blossom recently became associated asso-ciated with Messrs Knight and Dick in making surveys anJ exhibits for the MammolhGiand Central case now on trial at Nephi Utah |