Show UNITED RICO MlireS COMPANY Organization in Which a Utnh Man Is Interested Denver Dec nFlnal details have been arranged for the organization of the United Rico Mines company with 3GOO000 capital which will absorb the Enterprise Rico Aspen and all the other principal mines mills and smelters InthC Rico Colo district The total acreage Included in the consolidation con-solidation Is over 1000 The company Is a close corporation and the arootmt of capitalization represents practically the market value of the properties Involved In-volved with the addition of a sum paid into the treasury by the various interests for development The majority ma-jority of the mines arc silver properties proper-ties tiesThe following are directors David II Moffatt Albert B Roeder and Walter Beam of Denver Joseph L Caven of the National Trust company of Philadelphia William N Coler New York William M McKelvcy WD liam Conway and James JJ Lockhart Plttsburg Pa and Samuel Newhouse of Utah W M McKclvey Is president presi-dent Mr Newhouse vicepresident Mr Moffatt second vicepresident Mi Roeder secretary and treasurer and Messrs Newhouse Beam and Roeder the executive committee Soventyftvc suits Involving various mining points Ip dispute between the various interests In the consolidation were dismissed In the Federal courts today |