Show THE SALT LAKE PRESSED BRICK COMPANY The Salt Lake Pressed Brick company situated on Mill Creek six miles southeast of the city has an extensive plant consisting In machinery of a 60 horsepower engine and SOfhorsepower boiler one 100horsepowcr one BO horsepower one 30horaepower and two 15horsepowcr electric motors for driving of two fourmold Boyd brick presses with capacity of 20000 brick each daily one J D Fate Co wIre cut machine with pug mill attached with capacity of GOO HI brlck ally a large fan for drawing the heat from tho burning kilns and orcjlng It through the Hues of an artificial drier In which V the brick arc placed aCler being loaded on cars at machinery and are thor oughly dried befOre p1acW In the kilns for burning Their kiln capacity con sists of a large continuous arched kiln oblong In shape containing eighteen chambers of 35000 Capacity each and of ono these must be filled and one must be emptied each day In order to keep ahead of tho fires which are kept I up continuously Six smallerarched kilns In which the finer grades of brick are burned whIch hold In tho aggregate COOOOO brick In addition to those they have con structed this past season Three large kilns which will hold 5500000 brick V winch can be burned off Unco times a year If necessary while liI continuous ana Kessler kilns turn out 2000000 a month regularly They hftift a large shale bod In the brick mountains from which they get their material for the finest I I and thirty acres of clay at their works from which their second grade and coimnln bricks arc made They employ directly nnd Indirectly 160 peo pie the payroll amounting to 7000 a month ine They outlook have been kept 1 vcry busy the past season and feel encouraged From of the coming lJ n owing to the extent of their outside shipping and large consumption of coal the Rio Grando Western railway has put In a spur to tho works which Is oC vast benefit to them |