Show BURGLARS AT EVANSTON l j Cracksmen Attempt to Loot Safe in a Saloon i nUNE SPECIAL to V il W 3 UP t l thz Individual who held up the clerk n tho hotel at Rawlins a short time ago visited > thls place this morning at I 4 oclock and entered the Pacific hotel with the evident Intention of holding r up tho clerk at that hostlery but guests called to take the early train prevented a break there Thirty minutes afterward a loud explosion ex-plosion was heard In the saloon of Hale 45 Chlaholm and the door of the safe was blown off A Mr Kane bartender bar-tender of tho saloon a door or two below be-low heard the explosion rushed out with a gun In his hand and saw through the plaitcglass window an Individual In-dividual who caused the explosion Decking to enter the Irner door of the safe whereupon he blazed away through Uhc window with his gun missing miss-ing the individual who ran to tho back window and without waiting to raise It Jumped through the glass leaving a piece of a light overcoat which corresponded cor-responded to that of the Individual who went to the hotel at Evanston Great cxcltment was caused by the affair and a large part of the city was aroused and officer Immediately set to work to discover the holdup A man by the name of Taylor seen with him the day before was arrested and placed in Jail but the real culprit so far has not been found The window of tho saloon of James Downs was also shattered shat-tered |