Show ONLY SCALPING AFFAIR Wheat Market Yesterday on Very Small Scale TRADERS SOMEWHAT TIMID Bulls Took Advantage of the Nervousness Ner-vousness of Sellers and Bought In at the lower Opening Figures This Brought About a Quick Reaction Re-action and an Advancar Corn Was Closely Affected Tby Wheat Oats in Sympathy With Other Cereals Provisions Active and Weaker Chicago Dec 31On the whole though fairly active wheat was only a scalping affair operating under local conditions There was only a small amount of outside buslnesK due largely to a general timi dity against carrying the trade ocrt the holiday tomorrow The bearish factor was the disappointing tone of tim ciblcs Liverpool was up but not enough to fro fleet the strength hero yesterday and traders took It for a sign to unload what they acquired yesterday Some local bulls took advantage of the ncrvousnc of sellers and bought In at the lower opening figures This brought a quick reaction re-action and an advjuice which however was quickly lost on more selling at the advance May opened to Ac lOwer al S2 to Sljjc sold Up to 82c and back again to 82ij8131c < The last hour of trade was dull and even the close for May being steady at 2e Corn was closely affected by wheat Tho feature of the session was the sellj Ing by houses that bought yesterday May closed steady J4c down nt CCic Oat were sympathetic with the other cereals early but later sellers became uneasy and wanted back the stuff they had put out May closed c up at jyc Provisions were rather active though weaker on very heavy hog receipts and correspondingly lower prices at the yards May pork closed 17V c down lard TPsO lower and ribs lOc downRANGE down-RANGE OF THE LEADING FUTURES Articles Open High Low Close Wheat December 7SJ ¼ 7S 7S 78 May S2 32Lg Sli S2t4 July 81 Sl Sl SIK Corn December G3 CWi 6331 G3 May o a tiS CG 4 Cflk July GG C6U G3i 655 Oats December 41 1 1 45V1 11U I5t May 45U 4531 J5W 45 July SDH 3931 SOU 39c Moss Pork January 1675 1C80 1C 75 1CSO May 1012 1015 997 1002 Short Ribs January SKT S67 S52 S55 May S05 SS7 S80 SS2 |