Show THROUGHOUT THE WORLD The world has passed through the year without great calamities but nowhere no-where clso do we see tho brightness that is apparent In America Great Britain has a tough task on her hands in the South African war and her great empire In India Is a source of constant anxiety and strain Her Interests In China arc great but scam about to be overshadowed by the Influence of the Northern Bear The erection of a great confederated commonwealth com-monwealth In Australasia attached lightly to old Britain by political tics but strongly in race and traditions Is one of the great achievements of the race and will be a glory as ages goby go-by The heavy aflllctlon of the year was the death of the great Queen Great Britain has mighty reserves financially and commercially but has fallen off comparatively in the past ycarf she has lost trade to America and fears the shifting of tho money center of the world to this side of the Atlantic A feature of tho year has bcen the strong expression in favor of some sort of an offensive and defensive alliance with this country which Is surely an Idle dream But the grand old race remains capable and magnili = cent many triumphs are yet In store for IL J Russia has made mighty progress toward our western coast She has completed the great railroad across i Siberia and is knocking at our backdoor back-door Her tremendous power Is shown by her great armies at every point where she comes in contact with any adverse power Her wealth In Siberia includes all the natural resources of anew a-new country besides great mines of gold and other metals Great opportunities oppor-tunities are there and Salt Lake men will share some oC them China has come very close to us the past year This country iIth other civilized nations had to protect Its legation officials and the region about Peking was devastated The people were cruelly punished for the brutal outrages of the Boxers and the cowardly cow-ardly and treacherous court took to flight when Nemesis came in sight to return now In affected triumph when the pressure is relaxed Probably the best thing that could happen to the country would be for European nations to obtain suzerainty over other pro vinces as Russia has done over Manchuria Man-churia The ouUook for China is misery mis-ery and shame under present conditions condi-tions S France pursues the even tenor of her i way eminent In art and literature an aristocratic republic differing little so far as the peoples rights and progress are concerned from the kingly regime France Is a Wealthy Industrious great nation capable of high achlavement and grand actions Her people are hardy Industrious capable The lack of Increase in population from year to year is a sore trial to patriotic Frenchmen French-men who fear the day when this comparative com-parative falling off caused by increase in I other peoples will compel their country to take second rank 5 5 Germany shows high activity in Industry S In-dustry and In swelling commerce She builds the biggest merchant ships and pays them to said to all the great ports and gather In merchandise for tho Fatherland She has a vigorous alert ruler and Ismaking great strides for commercial and Industrial supremacy suprem-acy Her internal development is progressing pro-gressing on the most perfect and scientific basis ever seen among men In art literature archaeology science and deep research Germany leads the world AustroHungary Is in bitter internal feuds the death of the kindly old Emperor Em-peror Franz Joseph without direct heirs Is awaited apparently as the signal for the dissolution of the Empire Em-pire laly received a great shock during the year in the assassination of her King but under the new King is recovering I re-covering much of her last prestige He Is working faithfully to bring efficiency and economy Into the public service and has the hearty goodwill of his subjects Spain has shown good signs of recuperation re-cuperation shorn of her colonies her young and vigorous men are slaying at home and the nation Is putting on new life and vigor She is leaning on America to give her an industrial start and the benefit is mutual Her neighbor Portugal l has had no special I spe-cial trouble or triumph during the I year Africa is the scene of constant turmoil tur-moil The Boer war the uprisings on the west coast tho outrages In the Kongo Free State make it the dark continent indeed But there is hope for it yet and that its daik recesses may be explored and its secrets brought to light one of them the last year was the discovery of a new animal ani-mal whose makeup astonished the scientists of the world There is a great future for Africa when the Transvaal mines open up again and tho CapeloCairo railroad is completed com-pleted 1 Asia In general has been lethargic as usual The chief event aside from the troubles in China was the death of tho Ameer of Afghanistan which may yet make trouble between Russia and Great Britain S In the isles of the sea the year has seen peace the noteworthy exception la In our own Philippines where bandits ban-dits and ladronos keep up a fiendish and futllo warfare But this cannot last long and when It ceases there will come to the people sings blessingssuch as they never have conceived S Thc year ou the whole the world around has shown advancement and improvement Better means of living and more happiness have come to the people and with tho greater liberty of choice and bettermeans fobtain ing what they need has comea quickening quick-ening of mind and a fraternity of heart I that speaks well for the future of the human race |