Show 11 A Youlhlul Traveler I A little nvcycarold boy cprdne to tho Dtmvor pntwjrs vrtii duo hens yes Urday The Now of Mondiy naya I I When tho Burlington train from Chi calro arrived nt the union elation at 7 S oclock ynnt < r lay morning among tho Rt paJ < snBT > ra to alight WXA a nmoli l boy V who vas mrtkuiK n long Journey across country unattended except for the attention jg atten-tion given him by the conductor and pas jifnpcrs on the trains on which ho traveled trav-eled His namo In Elmer Jnston aged S E Ho was en route from Jackson Mlh to Salt Lake He bnrt a cnl rnadlnj ThLi la Elmer Winston en routo Irma Jackson Mich to Dcnynr Colo HU V mother trill meet him nt the Denver action ji ac-tion Her name Is Mrs Chan s Winston Conductors will Juao care for him V V V Elmer left for the last lap oC hU Jour V iioy on tho Rio Grando westbound overload i over-load |