Show BUYS ANIMALS FOR THE WORLD Ir Carl Hagenbeck of Hamburg Germany Ger-many conducts one of tho strangest and most difficult businesses In tho world Its It-s that of supplying different zoological gardens and parka with their assortment of wild animals in fact ho practically reakes zoos to order From his home he plans stocks and keeps supplied numerous public and private pri-vate collection and Is at present engaged In sending a complete collection ot raro wild animals to tho Emperor of Morocco who Is starting a largo private park This unique business Mr Hagenbcck originally inherited from his father who began in 118 with six seals that were brought him by fishermen Ho bought more seals and added other wild animals to tho collection Finally ho turned tho uslncs3 over to his son which under his skillful management steadily Increased until now ho Is the largest animal dealer ih the world In his paik at Hamburg Mr Uascnbcck keeps a large number of tigers lions bears panthers etc having at ono time on hand as many aa 15G largo carnivorous animals and sixty lions aid tigers Strango as it may seem tho do mand for raro wild animals Increases every day and occasionally the demand exceeds tho supply On these occasions Mr Hagenbcck sends to some of his depots which he haa established all over the world and for which ho has men raveling constantly to keep up their sup ply and looking for now animals These agents employ tho natives to hunt tho Jungles and forests for wild animals many pf these are working In Siberia Mongolia Borneo and in Africa These native hunters know uoll how to capture unharmed the animals of their own land LIQns tigers and boarsaro caught in balttd traps and by strategy others arc chased onhorsobMlc and arc lassoed The rhinoceros Is the most dif llcult animal of thorn all to capture and Is consequently more in demand than any of tile others Field and Stream |