Show PABLEYS WATER RIGHTS The purchase of Parleys canyon ranches and the water rights In Parleys Par-leys Canyon creek and Mountain Del stream was n very Important act oC the city administration The following data made up from measurement made by Land and Water Commissioner Westerfield show well for the citys purchase and tho care that has been given the citys water rights Parleys creek furnished tho city water system a daily average for August 1900 of 4050000 gallons and a daily average for August 1901 of 6329000 gallons On November 12 1901 the city through the efforts of the Mayor and Land and Water Commissioner Commis-sioner has made appropriations cover Ing all the surplus and Hood waters of Parleys creek and Its head branches and the Council has com mcnced the development of the same by starting work on ditches and reservoirs reser-voirs It estimated that a retaining dam iq Parleys will hltl back these flqod t atersso a to give the Inhabitants fJJalt Lake City several million gals gal-s more water dally through the dry Th fanthB when water la nono tpo plcntl fi1 l Great credit Is due the admlnis ratlon for Its efforts In the attempt to ncrcaao the citys water supply and j the other Rtrenmc on the citys water shed reservation should receive at if ton > f |