Show RURAL FREE DELIVERY Sovoral New Routes In Salt Lake I 1 County Begin Today TIll la tho day upon which several now rural delivery districts aro to bo established estab-lished and Postmaster Thomas managed to keep busy yesterday making preparations prepara-tions for the changes p Tho poatonicoa at Miller Mill Crcok 1 Granger and Hunter will bo discontinued c this morning nnd tho retiring postmasters will turn over tho effects of tho ofllccs to iltis Postmaster Thomas Hereafter tho people 1 peo-ple of thoso precincts will bo supplied by Ip means of tho rural delivery from Calder oC park D C Calvert will bo tho carrier t east of alders and Mernrl North will 1 carry tho mall west of that point The department at Washington has furnished full equipment for tho carriers I f A now service starts from Murray today to-day running west and taking In Taylors villa precinct and the surrounding country coun-try There is ohio a line running east tiC from Bandy to the brio of tho mountain which will discontinue tho ottlccs at Union nnd Gale A now routo commences at Rlverton discontInuing tho postotllcca at Ucrrlmon and Mousloy Tho citizens of Hunter precinct aro en dcayorlniv IIOW lo havo a district established I estab-lished to tnke In Brighton Garden Hty nod other points In tho western portion I of Hunter precinct |