Show JESSE KNIGHTS NEW TOWN Raymond Alberta Canada is a new town and Is In every sense of the word a beauty The town Is named after Uncle Jesse Knights oldest son Raymond The town of Raymond Is located on the St Marys River railway In southern south-ern Alberta Canada and Is surrounded sur-rounded by about 100000 acres of very choice farming land Jesse I Knight was the founder of the town which is laid oft on a liberal scale the plat containing nine square miles Reservations Reser-vations dedicated to public use by Mr Knight and the Canadian Northwest Irrigation company have been made oC town lots for cemetery schools a theater the-ater market place an agricultural eel lego hay market town hall library Y M M I A Y L M I A and Relief Re-lief society besides a public park of forty acres all arc laid out beautifully beauti-fully as well as church grounds occupying occu-pying two whole blocks Arrangements arc now being made mill and roller flouring to erect a large the line grain elevator In Raymond on and River railway of the St Marys Mr Knight has arranged for a nursery nur-sery of fruit and shade trees that will cover thirty acres of ground A commodious school house Is now completed and Is heated by hot air Mr Knight having donated the means The building will bo for Its ercctlo used temporarily for church purposes as The well town has a good hotel a large store lumber yard meat market blacksmith shop and at present has about thirty residences Raymond will bo made a common railway point with Leathbrldgc for nil and west east points Raymond is supplied with water for piped from a pure purposes culinary spring at an expense of iijiwurd of waterworks 510000 More extended constructed are being well in this district is Time land to the cultivation of grains adapted In fact all kinds of vegetables and room astonishing to flourish In an bles seem The yield of grain has been manner S averaging not less than enomlnal bushels to the acre on now y thlriv sod land and at time a yield figh seventy bushel of wheat as high as realized About been to the acre has desirable land has of this 3WO acres ana Knight semis heen ready nlouched and the to plant stigaV by Jesse grain beets In the 1D03 coining The season sugar befls have heen tested and proven a decided success |