Show MAIN DININfi = ROOM AMELIA PALACE RESIDENCE OF COL AND MRS E F IIOLMES p c4 1 J > 1 1i i i t 1 fr i I U q r r L1 F r t c i t T r i r e Jt t s J 4 4F 1 j L 3itfi fMtt LI j 4 q f 4t f If r f = t t Decorated by P T Huddnxt I Hud ort Floral Co 211 E2nd South tie lending floral artists 1st prize best decorated window Elks Purple day Au c gust 1MO 1st prIze and gold medal best and largest ulsplnj pulma and ferns Utah State fair Oct 1000 Jet prize and sold medal collection decorative plantfl Utah Stfttr fair Oct 1911 ThIs IIrm has done an the prIncIpal cOfnllons In this city for the past I 01 5 years Among them a few no Prcsllllmt Rooscvclts special trlln Senator Kcarnss rccoptio Ad mimI SchlY Mrs and Mr Harrln wed ding and reception nn the large decorat long nt the Hotel Knutstord tilt AHa 3 December wth and mam80t ers Ifr IJolmls rcccplion at mlta Palnce Do cember Gth Mr and Mrs Harriss bll Wales Since coming lo lhrs coUntry r ihHclart the ma1n r graduated under the head floral decorator for the Prlnco or Vnlcs Since coming to this country Mrs 1tidtrl has had cnnrKC of several large floral cstnbUshmcnls In the East and Sret This company keep prollcIont staff of floral artists All those desiring flrstclass and uplodate floral dccora 1I0no will do well to con8ultlhlll Itrm 0 |