Show ART INSTITUTE REPORT V Secretary Mrs Home Shows Great V Progress Made Secretary Alice Merrill Homo of tho Utah AIl Institute has submitted to Gov Wells her third annual report The report re-port i recites the work done by the lecture committee and In what was accomplished In Lhofduration field The Institute offered of-fered to pay onehalf the expenses of teachers of earn county If the teachers would study art In the counties Six dlf fer nl at t exhibits hay been held In Ito counties and Sanp tc deserves cpeclal mention l for its good work Commendation Commenda-tion for fcellent work and services for carrying on this line of work Is made to Pro J T Harwood Edwin Evans Miss Louise Richards Mrs Frank R Elliott A B Wright Miss Ida Savage 1 Leo Fairbanks and other artist tenchers The report speaks of the Into exhibit as the beat eter hld and how a I great improvement In all classes of art work In ttnh The treasurer Mrs McCune also makes a satisfactory report on the financial condition con-dition The expense of the last exhibit was 51500 The balance on hand Is 50 and a balance of lW of the State appropriation ap-propriation 10 draw upon All the reports on awards at the into exhibit are Included Already plans are being made for next year In addition to the W State prize bronze medal of honor and other prizes there will be the following specials Deaerct National bank i5 for best design de-sign lace collar Utah silk ecgo lily design de-sign 7 C M L J23 best perspective sketch and ground plan country cottage and barn to cost from 2500 to J3000 Zlons Savings hank J10 best study In clay by a student W S McCornlck 10 best students study In color Mrs Sol Slcgcl 10 best black and white study Coop Furniture company Jo best design de-sign for chair rho exhibit will be held nt soma town south of Salt Lake Provo and Muntl and Sprlngvillo being eager for the honor |