Show WOLF IN A BALLOON PullGrown Animal Makes an Ascension Ascen-sion and a Parachute Drop and Breaks Leg i Its Pall Forsyth Mont Dec Forsythlans were treated yesterday afternoon to somcfthlng out of the ordinary In the way of n balloon ascension nad parachute para-chute drop The aeronaut who accompanied accom-panied the balloon In Its upward flight took with him a fullgrown wolf to which was attached a parachute especially espe-cially provided for him At a height of SOO feet the wolf was cut loose and the parachute opened but evidently It was not large enough for the weight of the animal l which came I In contact with the earth with sufficient force to sustain a broken leg and the owners of the animal deemed It advisable advis-able to ond Its misery with n tOwing t-Owing to the proximity of the balloon Q b I t1 nfCsegofwnthcnicro was compelled to sty wtlh the Inflated bag and was carried oft several miles In an eastern direction before It reached the earth |