Show OGDEN DEPARTMENT WORE LADYS UNION SUIT Provosts Feminine Attire Gets Him Into Trouble Xtocauso he donned a ladys union suit bearing the Imprint of thc Ogden knitting factor Frank 1revost now lies In tho county Jail awaiting trlnl for burglary Irovopt Ins arrested several days ago by the nollco and charged with breaking Into the knitting factory about three weeks niro HP strenuously donlrd tho charge but yesterday was compelled to strip and wft3 found clothed In the above ramwl feminine evidence of hIs own guilt The apparel was Immediately I Identified I by the proprietors of the knitting factory 03 part of the property stolen He wits bound over by Police Justice Hall under fj bonds James Brown accused of breaking Into Mitchell DraB granite works and stealing a set of tools was also bound over under jbdO bonds |