Show WEATHER AND CLIMATE OF SAETLAK < The following article wan placed In the hands of the printer on December 20 1901 Wherever i lias been practical practi-cal to do so tho data for tho latter part of December have been estimated at normal TEMPERATURE The mean temperature at Salt Lake City for the year iDOl was 53 degrees or 2 1 degrees above nonmal The years 1870 and 1SSS had been the same mean temperature but there has been but one warmer year and that was 1900 Reference to chart No 1 will show that most of the excess of temperature occurred during January February May July October and November The mean temnerature 00 the remaining months were about normal no month showing a marked deficiency July was a remarkably warm month Its mean temperature of SO degrees exceeding ex-ceeding that of any other July by 2 degrees During this month there were twentyfour days with maximum temperatures tem-peratures above 90 degrees The meal temperature for October wa the highi cat that has occurred since 1876 and November was one of the warmest Novembers No-vembers on record i r I B t I 10 I Z t I 7 GO 6 k I H N I I CO I H1tiEE Chart No INormnl temperature is shown bv solid linej mean temjer I turo for 1901 by dotted lline temp Chart No 2 shows the highest and but once 102 degrees on July SO 18S9 lowest temperatures for cach month The lowest temperature 4 deg s occurred The extreme temperatures for the oc-sev occurred on New Years day Most en curred-eral months of the year broke no roe are passed without 0 maximum temperature ords Tho maximum temperature of tem-perature higher than 9S degrees and a lOt degrees recorded on July ISth was minimum temperature lower than zero unusually high and has been exceeded i A n I 1 lDO j j 1 i G i r t I I Zero l 1 ± EE11 I I Chart No 2Upper line shows highest lower line lowest 1ieshows lowe lne 10wet temperature for each I month of 1901 I PRECIPITATION The total precipitation up to December Decem-ber 20th wag 15DC Inches or 33 inch above normal Reference to chart No rtal 3 will show that February March May and August were tho wet months The precipitation during May was unusually unusu-ally heavy meosqrlng 427 inches This Umount Has been exceeded during one preceding May that of 1876 when 430 Inches were recorded The rain began at 820 a m of May 2nd and continued without Interruption until 7 50 a m I of May 4th during which time 403 Inches fell From 2 p m of the Sind t0j 2 p m of thejSrd the fall amounted to 272 Inches Which Is by fa the heaviest twent four hours precipitation ever recorded at Salt Lake City January April September October and Novem ber were unusually dry The three fall months were also remrakable on account of having passed without ever a trace of snow Tho total eves from January 1st to May the end of tho snowfall season wag 377 Inches 05 33 Inches above normal from Septem ber to December 20th 62 inches or about 7 inches less than usual The total snowfall from January 1st to December 20th was therefore 439 inches or about 4 inches below normal 4 p l I I I t Ge f 1 4C t 4 I 1 7L I L I oo I Q6 1 L I 4 > OC r 16 z 10 it OC t I D v Chart No 3 Normal precipitation is shown by solid line precipitation for 1901 by dotted line RELATIVE HUMIDITY The average relative humidity for the year was about 49 per cent or 2 percent per-cent below normal Reference to chart No4 will show tllat February was tho only month with a marked excess of t jf J II 0 1 SO 90e I r InI 1 f 1 i o I T0c 0 r I 0 4 A f V 7L L 4 i 10 u Chart No 4Normal relative humid ity is shown by solid line relative Cnr humidity for 1901 by dotted line slvc during January the three spring SUNSHINE and the three fall months tho most Slxtvflve per cent of the possible marked excess occurring during tho amount of sunshine was iccelycd or spring There was less than the usual No amount of sunshine during i per cent more than usual Chart ot durn February r I shows that the sunshine was exces August and December 4 L I T L c I C R J gO gOB d rk 10 Nz 7 1 i i c o i c k t o T a 1 r I t < I Ql f I Chart No 5 Normal ounshinois shown by solid line percentage t possible pos-sible amount received during 1901 by dotted line i WIND The average velocity of the wind was 51 miles per hour and the prevailing direction WAJ from the southeast April was the wlndl < jt month wi tllr rib average aver-age hourly velocity 1 7S miles and humidity and that the air was unusually un-usually dry during April July and Sep tembcr The lowest relative humidity recorded at any observation during the 19th year was S per cent at 6 p m of July February the quietest month with an average velocity of 10 miles per hour The maximum velocity for the year was 51 i miles per hour from tho northwest on June Gth L H MURDOCH Section Director Weather Bureau Ealt Lake City Utah Dec 20 190L |