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Show CHAIMGu Outt Coffee and Cet Well. A woman's toITco experience Is In-leretllng. In-leretllng. "I'ur two weeks at a time I huvo tuken no ban! but skliu m 111., lor aolld food wi.ulil ferment and cause sin h a pressure of gas and sue. 4 distress that 1 could hardly hreatha at llmcii, airo exiruciutliig palu aad heart palpllatlou and all the tlnio I wns so uiirvoua and reatliHia, "I'roni clillliood up I had been a cofleo and lea drinker and fur the past II 'I yeara I havo been trying dlt tereut physicians but could gut onl temporary relief. Then I read an article ar-ticle telling how nine one had boon cured by leaving off coffee and drinking drink-ing Poatiun. and It seemed so plessan Jnat to read about good health I do clilej to try I'ostunt In place of coffee. "I made the change from coflt-a to Portnm aud. such a change there la In me that I dun't feel like tho same per son. We all fouud I'oalum dullclous und llko It butler than cuffwe. 1y health now U wonderfully good. "As scon ss I made the shift from coffee to I'oBluiii I got bettor and now ail of uiy troubles are gone. I am fleshy, my food asHlmllates, tha proa- ure In tha chest and palpitation aro all gone, my bowels are regular, have no mora stomach trouhlo and my headaches sro gono. It. incniher I did not use medicines at all Just left ofi coffee and drunk l'oetum ateudily." Name given by Foatum Co., llaltlo Creek, Mich. Send to tha Co. for particulars bj mall of extension af time nn the $7. GOO Osaka coalMt for 715 money Viias. |