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Show Paraaots Tht Are Toilet Bottle. I The nowost parasol end umbrella kaa moro than uno mission to fulfil. Those of latest Importation have rlrh-ly rlrh-ly and exquisitely carved art nnuveau handles of whitest Ivory. Tiny aro long and honvy and arrow nn to tho wooden ahaft tlmt supiorts thcli silken silk-en mounting. Those linndlra aro hoi low and contain a tiny alx-lnrh vlnl to be mini with cologne- or toilet water. wat-er. Hy pressing an ornament In tho carving of tho bundle, the top of the rial opens atid to mis out a sptuy of Itf fragrant contents to moisten ft handkerchief or dampen the tcmplca of a fatigued or fainting lady. Some-tlmea Some-tlmea thn handle of tho parasol la filled with rielleloua lliissluu salts Instead In-stead of cologne. Pretty Theater Walat. Mouse of straw-colored silk trimmed trim-med with lace and with hunches of -rj- grapes In a rais- T7i" ed. white applique V, V jVJ embroidery. Tho 3- I lace forma a, sort W of yoko, with J points extending VM.yk down on Ihe iAil l R hand of 'Y;i'Vi II"" "Ilk "lid V- . V'.'i nn nt --t ! at'raim "Vi'lA end tra bullous ky over a plaatroii of fj a t r a w colored I niouasclliio de role, y which Is shirred and puffed and entered nt the bottom with nilllca of while luce. Tho aleevea ftro made and trlmmcil lo correspond. Wlonor Mods Allium. The Curvature of the Earth. At the last reception and eihlliltlon of tho Itoyal Society In Ixmdon, II. Tnln Oldham allowed how one could dcmniialrato tho curvature of the earth with a camera linvlui; a Pnllmcyor tolcplioto lens. A cnnnl (n Norfolk la crossed by two brldr.es six mllea apart; niarka were fixed on both bridges and half wuy between Ihem, all three at thn some level above the water. Tho camera permitted of photographing the three niarka from tho ono end, and tho middle mark a-peara a-peara oliovu the nthcra. Pretty Door Drapery. Abolish the cheap, trashy, musty, dlsoaso-brecdlug cosy corner out of I i your ball. The art of nraplng began long before tho birth of Christ, In thu daya of semi barbaric people, and yet, when It comes to furnishing ft house, aome of ub are senit-bnrbarlc ynt. Let ua not fill our rooma too lull; far bettor bet-tor have fewer furnishings, ..ml the few of belter quality. Most Important of nil, have vour color schemes har-monloua har-monloua In their general effecta, and do not try to make Impossible combinations. combi-nations. Tho accompanying sketch showa an arched door 'leadliiK from hall to II brnry. Tho drawing suttlclently ex-plnlna ex-plnlna the method of treatment. This and a couch w ith ft ka tak rover thrown over It la sufficient drapery ' for any large hall. 1-os Angelea Times. Needed for a Picnic. A apot on tho edge of the woods, with water near. Heveral persons with ft aenso of humor. A camp lire whore corn and potatoes niny ho roasted roast-ed and coffee boiled. A red tablecloth and Utile red-fringed napkins. Wood en plutea, knives, forks and spoons AM aorta of aandwlchea, carclull) packod and wrapped In waxed paper, llyo bread with chopped peppers brown bread with cream rhoeso, let tuco and chopped and seasoned moa' aandwlchea are heat, l ettuce In a pall and dressing In ft hotilc. Tliu buttered biscuits. Deviled egga It waxed paper wrappers. A roual chick en, disjointed and ready for slleliirf lee cream In bricks and whole rako A nice picnic menu Is: Sututwlclie:. cold breast of chicken, cold veul tnnf watercress, potato salad and Btuffef' eggs, cake, coffee and lco cream. Exerclae Brings Beauty. Evory woman who wlshee to retail her health and beauty should walk a least two miles a day. As soon at breakfast Is finished the women whi knows the proper wsy to rare for he' health reals for half an hour and thru atnrta out for a long walk, the longer the better. Sho chooses the sunny aide of the street and starts off at ft amart trot. If sho la seeking for slim-ness slim-ness alio covera Ave miles without resting. Fsncy Waist. Ttlouaa of gray loulilno, made with box plnlta and trimmed with hnnds of rorlso liberty. The front Is ornnment-yfrtjj ornnment-yfrtjj eil with motifs 4.'&J nud penilnnls of passementerie. ff' 'jfc' The shoulder col-i col-i trffu ( kI lftr- lucked all f y,t h. ov''r' '" nor',pro1 'I,Jfr Jfi' trimmed 'l fir V'fl with applique mo- t ' ,lf" "' lil,irk rnon- Li 'S tllly. The sleeves i V. aro plaited on tho I 'J outside, the plaits ' it opening otit to form puffs, which aro drawn In to form ruffs trimmed wlh the cerise hands. T ie girdle Is of thu cerise llhi rty. Noilcsto Won-coo. Won-coo. Here Is Something Nice. Fr.vory Chi-esc-l'in six ounces of rented t hn n ai d a Inhb-pooiifiil of line conimrnl Into a tin-In. mix thoroughly, thor-oughly, llnvor Willi n pinch inch of gionnd mnco and cayenne, add the yoll.s of two ecus, a taMo-poonful of cream and ono ouixe of lu lled butti-r; work tho mlxturo till smooth, pour Into a saucepan, and stir over the tiro until It begins to thicken, then let cool. Talm sonio light rough paste, roll It nut Into two even sized pieces, spread one with tho mlxturo, moisten the eilgea, brush over with beaten egg. cut Into even-sled squares, and bako for flfieun minutes, g. rvo hot. To servo wnii moatn: With roat bwt, Rrnlcd homormllRh. Houat vrnl, tomato or bnrsoraUUh b nn co. llnant miitlnn. nirrnnt Jelly. Knatt pork, appln iati-, Koawt In in It, mint Fttiicc. Itimst tiirkoy, chtnut droftslnc, rranl)irry JHly. Una (it giifttin, Inrt npplo trnmo. ltnnat runvai'lint k duck, applo brcal, Mark nirrant J' lly. ftnant quail, currnnt J'Mly. celery flnuce. Hoaitt rhlrkcn. bn-nd Bnttco. Krii'd ctilcKrn. rrrain Kruvy, corn frittm. Sandwlchea You Will Llkt. HiindwUb a la Miirn. TaUe oqiial ijuuittltla nf alnuHifln and wnlmitH and c-tutp thpin fine. MhIhImi tlh a Ititlo Kn-nrh droralnp. tlu n npn-ud on thin ullci-a nf buttt'iinl timid. Add a crihp vit of li'ttucn to rach hIUo. povit Willi ibpotbrr ImttrrtMl hvo, prcKH tiKi,thir m'litly, trim off tint blown crunt aud rut dlflpoi ally lu Imo. CVU'i-y Hand wlcti. Chop and thot pound to a panto the yollca of flr bar 4 bollnl opvrn, a amall pltco of butter, a little aalt, a tnnRpoonful of anclnny Banc, a tcriHpoonfiil of curry powder, I a trnHpoonful of broad crumbs and I tahk'HpiMitiful of French dri'nliifi. Tb , paHto abould tiavp the copMlr:t.ncy of buttrr. Hprcnd It tptwctn thin all CM ! of buttrrpd bread, plueina; a loltiK leaf In carh nandwirh. Trim and cut j la tho UMinl ttiuniuT. Dainty Floral Muallna. Fin ml nine linn and delaine will makfl prettymimmpr drenrjes later on, and thore aro ninny daintily pnibrofd- j crrd Indian muRllna to br nern, with olahorato llornl deMlrnn worked li whlto aoft threacl upon creuin-colnretl ground. With toucheji of black or vt vivid emornld preen upon tho bodtcm these Indian tuunltn Kowim will bf charmltiR for t-'arden partlea. Bloute of Ecru Tuaiar 811k. Tho yoko and lops of tho alco-rri i aro philn ni:d trlinmrd with tabs of ; Ihn nuiterlnl piped j with ref t n n i 't a "'' !T I nr.d atrlped dl:.K- 4 t oi allywHh red nnd S' Y yellow tnllotiu. To T -f ' this yol.o tho j bloiiKO la plalt d xv' ' i lu fino plnlia N ' v ',. ' whlrh open out I about hulf wuy M j) I 'town, lu tho mid- JJWU. dlo of tho front ii VjTfl a whip hox plait. A j fH i The full alecves If A yi are plnltcl at tho ff top In tho amo j li way and ar nuinli- od with deep cufTn trimmed wlUl the laba. Wiener Calc. Claret Jelly With Cream. Rnak an onnco of Rclallno In a pill of water, nnd then pour over It hnlf a pint I of bnlllra; water and ntlr till tho pels- I lino hue rilKovcd, o-l'l ono pint Ri d a 'iimrter of c!arot, tho Juleo tf half a 1 lemon, and eufllrleut aupar to tate. If I you have it, alno a little royinn. Place' tho Jelly In a welted border mold, and when net turn out. Fill tho cavity! with Havered whlppoi. creum tluled a delicate pin It. Dampen thn rlolhes for Ironlnc with hot wuler. Thla dumpena thotn much more evenly thnn cold; also tho thlnjt will be found ready fur tho Iroumg nuiro quickly. A wooden rolHtiK pin, without hare dice and covered with Mann el la ud by one woman when pri-nflnn altwvrt and wrUtbandn. The pin la Inec-riel Into tho tsleovo, which, ftho saya, will then prenf aa readily as If It were a Hat nurture. The vry of pold- deeoratlona on china ha been a source of riehntn wlt i j houMeket'pers. Many benevu that It should not bn put Into hot water. A dealer fay that It will atand unlimited unlim-ited wiishlrp in hot water If soap Is omitted. |