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Show An Earnest Drinker. Talking about moderate drinking, said Father I.awler after ha had addressed ad-dressed the doJi'a'e at tlio mooting of the Total Abstinence union, and walked down the atrt-ot toward the parochial rosldcuce, "1 know a physician physi-cian In this town who ordered a patient pa-tient to take a glass of wluo four limes each day. This patient Is a well-known well-known man In HI. Paul, noted for being be-ing a strict abstainer and a temperance temper-ance worker. One day the physlclun called, aud, scolng llttlo change, gsked tha wife of this patient: "'Does your huahatid take four glanses of wine regularly?' "Oh, yes, doctor, he Is very strict about It. ludeed, he Is four weeks ahead, so earnest la ha over IL"' bU Paul Olohe. - |