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Show COALVILLE TIMES. NEW POPE SELECTED C. R. Ullsr JONCt, Ms and IwtlMM HtniV. M U PevteKrs Is t, lost, M iMoot-U- tUk, SUCCESSOR TO LEO XIII HAS AT LAST BEEN CHOSEN. UCwrdlaal Sarto, Valrlorcb of V. WUI Mat tha llaait af It. a Koimaa talholla aa Kraal! of CbarrS of iha liurnl Cullaga. HANGED FROM TELEPHONE POLE. AN UPRISING IN CUBA are known to have been drowned an4 that the list of dead will be much Jarger when all are accounted for. Many struck on two small boathouses moored to a pier of the brtdg immediately under the spot where It gave way. About twenty five were Injured, either by striking on the s or by falling timbers. people fell from tl roofa of the boathouses into the water, but dozens small boats and laumues In the vl- In an Incredibly short time com- - j to pick them up Thousande of people had gathered on the bridge' watch an armless man ewun the river. it Mob Avenge the Murder of Mabel Richards. REBELS ARE SIMPLY TOO TO WORK. LAZY TRIED TO WRECK BRIDGE. ia feared Desperate Attempt Maee to Blow Up Structure Near Livingstcn, Mont . A desperate attempt was made by unknown parties Sunday morning to blow up the large Northern Pacific bridge crossing the Yellowstone river east of Livingston, Mont and wreck-Many the eastbound passenger train The explosion was terrific and broke win-o- f y dows In scores of houses in the ern Prt of the city No part of lugston escaped the severe shock The biK bridge was twisted out of align-t- o ment The powder had been placed by Inexperienced persons, and to that fact is attributed the escape of the structure. A large hole was raade'Tn the central pier of the bridge. The North ern Pacific company has offered a reward of 31,000 and the county com(iOo missioners There is no clue teethe miscreants. William Hamilton, who assaulted mutilated and murdered Mabel Rich- Although the Full Extent of, the Trouble l Not Yet Known, the ards, fl years old was hanged by mob Wednesday morning at 12:15, at Government is Able to Cope SM Asotin. Wash The mob stormed thu With the Situation. tit MMliMii wst tasi .J After being In session four days, Jail and earr'ed the prisoner three ... fa aplte of the assertion made by the sacred college has seleotod a suc- blocks and banged him to a telegraph Banar Yero. secretary of the cessor to Pope Leo XIII In the person pole. Interior, was aged 24 years, .UTAH STATE NEWS. of Gulaeppe Sarto, patriarch of Ven- Hamilton who mu-dthat the killing of three men and the confessed to the and mutila ice, n man who la noted for hla piety capture of a fourth man, their leader, Christian Andersen, Newton' oldest and eloquence, rather than his poli- tlon of the little girl, whose body was who had attempted to cause an uprle-tics. Sarfo now reigns at the Vatican found near Anatone, Wash, Monday In the vicinity of Bayamo, prov-Ucitizen. Is dead at the age of 83. afternoon of Santiago, effectively ended the aa Alfa Nay of Monroe accidentally nnd over the Catholic world, The child was wav laid by Hamilton oaljf semblance of an uprising In Cuba, Pope Leoe Successor. shot two of his toes off while out hunt Piua X. while en route to the Sunday school rumors of uprisings In eastern Venetians, who know the new pope tie No Ing. one can tell who will be Leo The dead girl was the daughter ol Cuba were fully confirmed XIII's successor, but, considering all Darld Madsen of Mt Pleasant was well, aay that he will soon be as much Sheriff Richards of Asotin Thursday county la the beloved as pontiff as be was but lategovernment's reports received things, Gotti Is believed to be the man badly Injured about the head last week Hamilton Is a farmer who has resldej aa the of from the governor and other officials of the situation ly the of patriarch the In the poor It Is said that he by a hay fork striking him. county a number of years. Adriatic. In appearance Plus X ia n of Santiago provinces. These are to has the cordial support of Germany Louis Iseman of Salt Lake City is handsome was the When confession made pubman. tie affect that since the night of Sun- and Austria, that Italy Is favorable to suffering from blood poisoning caused Cardinal Gulaeppe Sarto waa born lic the most iutense feeling waa day last sixty armed and mounted him, and France would not oppose - by the coloring matter In a pair of OUTLAWS STILL AT LARGE. at Rtese, province of Venice. June 2. aroused, and early Tuesday night aea have appeared outside In him. His good qualities are recogvillages 1.000 people gathered at the jail, but black socks. 1835. He was created cardinal and Cauto the river nized a district, prolslming by all the European powers who And Are Leaving a Trail of Death BeIn the patriarch of Venice June 12. 1893. He it was not until Wednesday morning Many tons of hay will be revolution and demanding the pay-me- do not waa forget his work In BrazIL It hind Them. attack the that made and the of Junction the la very learned In the ecclesiastical vicinity through of the former members of the Is not generally known that when Gotoccurred.-lynching who escaped from Folstorms preventing the farmers from doctrines. Is modest, The convicts energetic, a good ti was In Brazil he was officially ap som As the leaders emerged from tho revolutionary army. are still at large. The prison gathering It In. administrator and organizer, a patron No acts of violence have been repointed by many European govern- - five who engaged in a fatal fight with The people of Salt Lake City use of the arta and hla .seriousness always Jail with tho terror stricken fiend the ported, but the Inhabitants of the ments to do his utmost to check tho mob took up the cry and he was beathut 2,300 gallons of milk a; day, and has been proverbial. pursuing officers at the Grand Caoto region are excited. The leader civil war when It broke out at St. kicked and to en, a dragged mine Saturday night have not, point Victory 4t Is claimed that less mTTkls used Early in April Pope Leo, In a conof the revolutionary party Is named Paloa, against President Pelmoto blocks been seen since, and apparently have in Zion than In any other city. versation with Father Perosl, the Ital-lo- n three to a away, where he was Pupo. He Is a brother of one of the guy wire of a telephone hanged made a successful retreat. In their composer, said, In speaking of pole Riot In a Church. Richfield now has a perfectly or laadlts killed by the rural guard on haste to get away from the militia refu-e- d Cardinal The officers Sarto: to deliver the Tuesday. An attempt of half a dozen colored ganlzed fire department, and with the and sheriffs posses, they left a water RO 0,,t numbered b,lt kr,8 Hold him the by In as Perosl very dear, the of waterworks that completion General Rodriguez, commander-in-Chie- f persons opposed to Booker T. Washaroused mob that they mado no re-can, several hats and some firearms town will be well protected from fire. the future he will be able to do much BlttaneP wlth hn,arm8 of the rural guard, has ordered ington, president of the Tuskogee InAfter the n the hillside where We firmly believe he will be hanging ttr mob di lor you. Saturdays consensed. The assessed value of all the propth mobilization of all the rural stitute, to ask questions at a meeting flict occurred. erty of Juab county for the year is guards In eastern Cuba and the gov- which he was adressing In the Zion The dead bodies of Festus Rutherf 2,714, 1C8, of which 8383,352 Is repreernor of Santiago province has been church in Boston, almost resulted In a ford and W. C Jones, the two militia sented by the net proceeds of the Instructed to enlist as many volun- riot, and twenty-fivpolicemen were men who were jdiot by tho outlaws, mines. teers as may be deemed necessary to called to quell the disturbance. Sev- weie found where they had fallen. A Salt Lake woman attempted to eral arrests were made, one policeman Jones had cooperate with the mounted troops. served in the Philippines as fid a bed of bedbugs, one day last Secretary of the Interior Yero says receiving a deep stab from a hat pin, a member of the First Tennessee and Week, with a lighted candle. Bhe got there is no doubt that the authorities while a man. said to be one of those 1 hirty s enth volunteer infantry. rid of the bedbugs, also the bed and will be able to cope successfully with opposed to Washington, received sevAl. Gill, tho National Guardsman contents of the room. the situation, as all reports, he adds, eral razor cuts and Is now In the hos- who was shot through one lung, Is now Prank Holmes of Salt Lake City, are that popular sentiment Is with pital. After the arrests Mr. Wash- expected to recover. while oiling some machinery in the ceington was allowed to proceed, and the- - government of President Another victim of the convict chase Palma, for nearly two hours. ment works, was caught In the beltwas Phillip Springer, a resident af aid that those who have risen in re- spoke Placervllle. He is hard of hearing and, ing, his arm being torn from his body, bellion mostly belong to the wanton Pursuit of Convicts Abandoned. tailing to respond to an order to halt, death resulting In a short time. was latally shot by a picket early Sun-lazy class of Puerto Principe. Twelve of the convicts desperate B J. Morrison of Richfield, while morning. who escaped from the Folsom, Cal., WOMEN FIRE FIGHTERS. driving n mowing machine across n latstill are at and penitentiary large EXPERIMENTING WITH SPUDS. ditch, was thrown to the ground! badLadies In Spanish Honduras Help to est developments Indicate that the ly dislocating his neck. His life was Bubde Conflagration. pursuing officers have become weary Farmer Aoopts Mew Ideas in Potato .despaired of for n time, but he Is now of their fruitless search Raising. A disastrous fire occurred In Celba 'out of danger. Following false clews a a farmer living east through rough, George Elrod, In the ore and bullion market of qountry Spanish Honduras. July 15, the partic Blars of which have Just been received under & hot sun has exhausted both ot Bedford, Ind., experimented with a Salt Lake the month of July closed on The fire originated In civilians and militia Governor Par-de- new idea in raising potatoes this sea-ioby steamer. settlements aggregating 829, 250, has issued .an order withdrawing and as a result has the finest the dwelling house and store of Anthis Independent entirely from the the NaPlacervllle of the company grown with less labor, ever fop. tonio Pbziatl and spread quickly to wealth that poured from the furnaces tional guard from the chase, and many raised in the of the copper smelters. county. Mr. Elrod plantthe building of the Vaccaro Bros. members of the sheriffs posses are ed his potatoes, covering them with In sn altercation In a saloon In a two-stor-y to their Steamship company, homes. returning bout half a hoc of dirt, after which Stockton, John, Brazier was badly frame, the largest building In Central Hi Saved Mother. Boy Ac carefully covered the entire I wounded with a knife Jn the hands of patch America. Many houses caught fire The Jury In the case of John and with a good bed of straw, packing It n man named Platon. The knife would the flames covered the city. The M have severed the juglar vela, but that stores of Lafitte & Alurez, P. DWosix Elizabeth Wlltrax, on trial In Chicago down as solid as possible. They have for the murder of Paul 'Paszzkowskl. never been molested since the plantIt struck a stiffly starchedcollar. 4k Ce. and several others of like charing and the ground is covered with At Junction last week lightning acter were consumed, together with returned a verdict of guilty against the vines, which grew up through the John while hio ElizaWlltrax, struck on of the shade trees In the wife, many small stores and residences. The straw, not a weed being in the entire was - court house beth, acquitted Twenty five patch, and underneath Is almost a lot, killing a horse which fflolals and people, under Julio Auga-larlwas tied twenty-fiv- e years imprisonment in the peniten- solid bed of the finest, largest potafeet from the the commandant, and Jose tiary was the sentence passed upon toes ever seen in a patch. tree, and stunning three men who organized a bucket brigade. In Wlltrax. The trial attracted much atat leant', even which seventy-fivsway. the women served. jrere tention from the fact that the 11 year-olJudge Upholds Hill. son of the defendants gave tho Una Miles may lose her hand for in the United States Locbran Judge BRIDGE COLLAPSED. most damaging testimony against circuit court at St Paul, handed down thoughtlessly taking hold of a cable. them, and afterward took tho stand .She was in bathing at Saltalr and Three Killed and a Number Injured at for the defense and denied all his for- his decision in the case of tho stite of Minnesota against the Northern mer testimony. thought It would add to her enjoyPortland, Oregon, ment to catch hold of the cable that Securities company, the Great NorthA section of the bridge which spans At Montgomery. Ala., the Jury In moves the raft Instead of that she ern railway, the Northern Pacific Willlamette Iha river at Morris the case of the United States against p", placed her hand In a cog wheel, the our successor." He has been known R!,"Way CrapaDy and J Hl11 member being badly mangled, Street, Portland, Ore, collapsed short- R. N. Franklin, charged with causing as for many years as one of if. E. Gregory, who it is claimed for- preachers In the church. the greatest Jnted States Monetary Commission ly after 3 oclock Friday afternoon, Pat Hill, a negro, to be held In a stata ties president of the Northern Securicompany and individually. In precipitating more than 100 people for- of peonage, brought In a verdict of merly lived In Utah, has been arrestSuggest the Ratio of 32 to 1. Cardinal Sarto belonged to the ec- which he sustained the contentions of feet into water. the Three ty ed at Georgetown, Colo., charged with cle8lastical people guilty. Franklin was fined 31,000. A report has been received at the the defendants and dismissed the oill congregation of bishops making threats to blow up the dam and regulars, sacred rights, indul- - Bta,e department from the United of complaint of the state. He finds of the United Light A Power comX1DDEH PICTURE PUZZLE. that the Northern Securities company gonee and sacred relics. He enjoyed States monetary commission, which is pany. it la claimed this Is the outhas not violated the state laws forbidIn tho his diocese. He of great Investigating is popularity come of trouble-betweequestion members of currency the consolidation of parallel and ding for honored all silver for his purity, for the the miners union and their employers. by countries t The competing lines of railway, through Its ownership of the stock of the Great uprightness of his life and for mission has visited London, Paris A Salt Lake judge has decided that hla liberal The Northern and Northern Pacific railIs and Ideas, a lie Hpgue moderate was Is and Berlin, no ex valid there poll tax ordinance In ways. Salt Lake City and has not been since and agreeab'e man, highly cultured, peering to leave for St., Petersburg in BUMBLE BEES AT FIRE. the city ordinances were repealed by very kind hearted and still strong and a short time bu8t ,n SP11 C8 to of hi the According the years. .the legislature in 1898. A man who report Prevent Firemen From Putting Out He has never taken great part In had been sued for poll tax took the of the American commission for Flames by Stinging the Men. case Into court and won. Tho city the political and public life of the a ratio of 32 to 1 for a new silver our council will pass a new ordinance at The residence and barn of Fred but divided hts time between renoy for Oriental countries has n church, once. Raider at thejidge of Evans ille, Ind., good works and study, Although most erally been well received, allium-;The second crop of alfalfa la mak- faithful to the the were consumed by fire Sunday afterFrench commission suggested t!. holy see he was preing a rapid growth and cutting has noon. When the firemen arrived bumsented to the king and queen of Italy ratio of 31 to 1, which Is f r begun In some few localities. la Venice. Ho was considered among the French raUo at the ble bees drove them from their positime The hot wind and dry weather have the uiOTe liberal members of the Itil- - The representative of present tions and several of the men were the Thine had a detrimental effect on this crop tan episcopate and sacred college It stung. The firemen were forced to rela stated that Leo XIII sided with him treat and when they returned with VC ,- ';and the yield will probably fall short on n one occasion when Sarto reinforcements the residence and of the average. , the 'commission at the riKVrcnt of Rampolla's policy. barn were consumed. Loss about capitals that havo been si.'t 1. For the first time In four years the 32,000. BABY GETS BOUNTY. THIRTY PEOPLE PERISH. pest house in Salt Lake City Is withSuccessor to Pope Not Yet Chceen. out s patient In-Four years ago Twentieth Child of Pennsylvania Wo- Killed in a Collision on No successor to Pope Leo XIII has when amallpox broke out an old Railway man Receives Present From been chosen. From the smoke yet Austrian Silesia. house was secured for an isolation W'hich Preeident Issued from the little chimney A dispatch from Breslau to , hospital and there have been patienU on the Slstine chapel A check for 3100 has been received Volks there ever since. . Sunday night Zeltung reports a a vast multitude gathered around SL from President Roosevelt for Theo- - arter on the The body of Roy Larkin, the bottt. railway bridge n Peter's learned that the second day of dore Roosevelt Signet,, the boy born Sucha and Kalvarla. Am-lriold lad who was drowned while SiU i the conclave has been fruitless. The Mr. and Mrs. William H. Signet of A to on the 23rd, waa found trin. consisting of eleven McKeesport, some weeks ago, and heavily laden broke Its couplings conclusion is drawn that the strength n the 28th on Antelope ffiani!7iTT which mj .a' chtta horn-tr- an at of the leading candidate remains un. point tour miles from where hla com- Mr. Signet Tho money has been rrade for twenty n lies until it broken gnd thatnocmprotnise canIn a to bank the credit of the ed with a passenger train rade, R. E. Wells, landed after Larkin placed Th didate has yet appeared. And there Is baby, tho Interest to accumulate unt.l rersona are said to have b- - u Li1 ;tv Sad gone to the bottom. no Indication of how i ho la lx years old. long this condiand Lfty two others severe'y wound-- d tion of affairs will continue. Mart Sanderson has A badly Injured Brutes Mutilata an Invalid Boy. Find tho Farmer' Lot Sheep. hand, the result of a fall while unloadMurderous Tennessee Whitezappera. . Calamity Jane it Dead. ing hay at his home at Talrvlew. He George Hearshey, an Invalid, aged A negro preacher named John Double In Arizona. u In The Cardinals Cells. Hanging Their noted female character. was carried up a distance on a load In 19, while hunting equln-el- s on his fa.was killed and another n RUario Hidalgo and Francisco RenCalamity Jane, who has been known - w hich the fork w as The largest conclave In the history sticking up and In thers farm near Hartford City, Ind.r fatally wounded by a bend of teria, murderers of C. E. Goddard and of the Catholic church has now assem- on the frontier since 1870, died SaturJailing ran a tine ot a pitchfork waa approached by two prowling ne- - whlteeappers at Lewisburg. Team Frank Cox at Goddard station In Febbled in tbe Slstine chapel for the pur- day at Terry, S. D. She has requested , through a finger and hand. groes. They grabbed the boy. searched j When the mob made its appearance of were this in ruary the year, hanged pose of electing a successor to Leo thr.t she fee feurled in Mount Moriah- E. M. Roberts, a deserter from Fort hla clothing for money and finding t Millikan's home, the preacher mado at XIII. Jail Sixty-twyard hie DrClbptt, exit Arizona, cardinals, with over cemetery, at Dead wood, beside Wild Friday through a back door He ws Douglas, suicided In Park City on Sun, tono tore hi clothing from him. from same 200 clerical and lay attendants, .are to Eill Hlckok, who was murdered hero down the scaffold. Both a brought morning voiler. by dyinday,- taking forty lour grain of mois While ono negro held hjm gnother muIn 1S7G. Instontl. - John Huntpr. a exhibited the greatest nerve.- - The all Intents and purposes prisoners E urke and Her name was Mrs. Jan her last husband was much phine. He left a letter in which he tilated him with a knife. The boy of Milliken. was made to ac- former smiled as he ascended the within the Vatican. One of them. Car- younger titan sh.?, and- - Is said to be In -,re,,ou- the company mob on a J,?. frult'c,l on scaffold and saluted a number of ac- dinal Herrara y Espinosa, archbishop Denver. A married daughter Is in hie without result, but for the Benda, who will be hanged search for another negro, and In on In the crowd, the specta- of north Dakota, but.the woman refused quaintances to attempt Valencia, was prostrated Immedi- to escape wee fatally shot in tors toped to be successful the third time j whet) caught . them Adlos." Hidalgo's bidding give her address and referred to an back. . the . after conclave the ately and entering neck was broken, while Renterias atrangement lies III la his celL death occurred from strangulation. !. Of KUttiniUlt rsfsSt to itM.M, ' ! toi boat-house- -- , er et east-clnit- lt 1 j ie ' e f, r o Ta-raet- e d Je8 I j com-stric- ! pro-pos- g-- ! y one-hal- dLsap-prove- d It tl--- u-s- j -- , Mil-liko- o st T T .ESA s In-la- |