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Show BIRP3 TO FICHT C03LIN MOTH. I Department of Anrlculture Will Ea periment In California Orchard. Now it la the binla Hint at., to help In the dcatructliin uf tho codlln muin -that llttlo Inaeet that In dnliig ao much hnrin to the applo nrcharia nf Cnllfurnla. At Wa'annvllln tho ornllhnlnglcal department nf thp United Blnle do-partmcnt do-partmcnt of agrlcultitrn In working In conjunction with thn university nf Cnllfurnla to exterminate thn moth, nml Juat nuw they are lnBtalllng a lot nf bird cagea aa part nf tho work. Thnao cngea, of which there are to I twelve, will he largo enough to envelop a fruit tree. Into them It In puriHiaed to put thirty variety of California Cal-ifornia binla. Including raitarlea, bluo-Jiya bluo-Jiya and linnet, and then to watch Ibem cloaely to dlncuvvr upun which tiey feaat mnrt. At certain tlmca thn hlnla will be klliod and Pielr nlomaeha acrutlnlited hy the ornllhologlBtn. In thin way It can bo determined accurately what too proportion of fruit tho lilnla eat la to the Inancta they conaiitno. And tben from thla It will be determined aliat bird aro moat destructive to tie codlln moth and tho otlior de-atrnyera de-atrnyera of plant life. If the experlmentura are lucky cnoiiKh to Hnd a bird Hint make the reillln moth Ita prey, that apecliai will he propagated In Inrgo niunliera and dlntrlhuted over the atato. It la thought they can bo kept In the or-charda or-charda by attractive bulla. Now York llorald. |