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Show j"" BLUEBEARD WOULD NOT CHANGE Once upon a time, not very long after the now famous nittelieard had embarked on Ills Interesting matrimonial matri-monial career, a country lawyer called call-ed upon lilin and requested an Interview. Inter-view. "What Is your business?" Inquired lllueheard, grullly. "Alas! 1 must confess that 1 haven't any business. I am looking for some, lift me explain. Your pen-chnttt pen-chnttt for alternating bb a widower and a bridegroom hns excited considerable consid-erable comment Itl this neighborhood, not altogether of a complimentary character; I may any that dark suspicions sus-picions are abroad. Home pooplo go bo fur as to sny Hint something ought to be done. "Now. I have a littles scheme to put an end to all litis. Why not establish es-tablish a divorce court? Divorce to he granted on application by either party I fancy that any lady who I wishes to get In her application ahead inf yours will have to start early In the honeymoon. Catiso, Incompati bility. Nothing causes Incompatibility Incompatibil-ity like feminine Inqttsltlvencss. What a happy masculine world we ahould have without It! Divorces granted with or without publicity or Bent by mall on receipt of return postago. I, ss th originator of tho schemo to b retained as permanent counsel for th hushsnd In the numerous cases of lllueheard vs. lllueheard, which w mny reasonably expect to arlso. Alimony Ali-mony and counsel fees to be paid by , the wife I understand that you hav a rhronlc afllnlly for heiresses. j "I am sure thin plan would suit th i ladles belter th nu the methods at J present In vogue, and It might even have aome adt mitagea as far as ymi . are concerned. It might relievo your j conscience If you have any" I "Well. I'll think It over." said lllile- heard, "but I can't glvo you much en- ' cniragement. I have my own way of doing tltlii'ta and they suit nic." And tho lawyer called many time after that, hut lllueheard always said there waa nothing doing William IS, t McKnnna. In New York Times. |