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Show COURT HOUSE CCN- TRACT AWARDED. I:. J. It. gg. r I'lirk I lly nnil, I. I. wiilniiiii nr nnltllle the wini ..riil lliililera. 1 n"' ' on.;'!, ncr. opened t!.e i I- for the erect '..ii of the new court oo'l-e of S.t,.it county ruesday, and m W e li.cf.liiv the contract was a a aided to K. .1. Jiegg, i.rk C,y, and J. II. wlinon ol Couui'le, they Wing the Wst lid.lers. Theo-her bidders and 'S ';r prices are asfobnws: J. T. New-'", New-'", 'g.len, f:':i.rtHl; Mill Company of1 Murray, hv J. A. Jones, 2,7IW;K. J. Ik'gandj. . Salmon. l,eS7; L. S. Atkinson, Colorado Springs, I In K-W; C. 'J Huii.pras, Uglen, 2J,!5 Mr. Atkin-ni Atkin-ni withdrew his bid, and that left Me.srs. llegg, and Salu.on the lowest b.d.lera. t-y awarding thecoiitructto these men It a ill keep all the money for the lalmr '" 'ounty, or nearly all o It, and as Mr. salmon owns the rock with which ths building is to t reeled. Una will D'n considerable, work w ill Ik commenced at once on ('excavating fur the foundation and ilis building will U completed just as ! sou possible. A sewer drain pipe j be run f I ..m the court house to ron-oe. ron-oe. t with the one put in some years ago by the city s.cr Chalk Creek, so that modern water works, etc., can be put in the building. Wbeu completed the bullsing will be a handsome structure anda credit to the county. While in session the commissioners trantacted considerable routine business. busi-ness. Dills amounting to about 0XI wcrsallowed. Anew poll tax district was treated at Fine View and William Sta.e was appointed supervisor. F. C. Woofa ol Ogden was authorized so pur-cha-e for the county hOO feet of 8 inch clay f ipe tor the sewer and lfK) feet of S I Inch pipe. i |