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Show HARMONY L08T FOR EVEfU Unfortunate Occurrence That Caused Insanity of Musician. Among the lot of Inmntos at tha asylum the nnui cnnsplciious was a long haired man. who sat by tha window win-dow drumming till flni-err exclladly on the window sill, aa If playing a piano. "What wns the cnuro of bis aberration?" aberra-tion?" I asked of the kreper. "Ills Is a peculiar case," r.ts tha answer. "Ho la a fl "rninn miihlclan. Ho was In Hackenriick nine, playing the plnno. Morqultoes were thick; they got, on bla mimic! sheet and ho uiiole ! setredly played the mosquitoes lor notos. The hst monies resulting were nioro bentitllul than any bo had ever heard bolero. He became enraptured, tut tho mosquitoes flew away and a repetition waa Impossible. Ever since 1 then ha has been Booking for tha I combination, but can't dud It, It was 'tha lost chord.' " |