Show The World'e Lnrnc-t Dank. I New York Cllv Is to hive : larit-est larit-est bjhk In t ie l i H. d H.ate and In the world It will he I iv"-" than Ihe Ilsnk of Lrit'aid er of any of ll.o famed financial Ii i tliutlons of toe Id world. Tho refit a! of th.- covernnieiit to sanction the veu'ure H the tuily IhltiR that will prevent cnirylcit out the scheme. It I- f.'t d i'iiel probable prob-able that any ihitarV will he met a tho same suf .imirdi will bu Insisted In-sisted on snd tun same V'-rnulli.i.s taken by the ko .'nn i t after t!m organization or-ganization as are id'- en r i l:i the smallest bank 111 tie Cnlted Unites. The capitalization is lo lie $l i"tl'il.-000. i"tl'il.-000. Thla will cuiml Hi.' i; iver:nne::i' Hold reserve ard will ! iiictIi Inner than thu capitall.i.'.lon I -riy k or fltaiHlal lnsiltut'in In l!:e world. |