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Show NOVEL TRAP FOR FLIES. j Ve , ouccraiful In Gettinn Rid of tl I Houaehoid Peats. In the accnmpnnyliig tiicturn Is hawn a curioua devlrn for catching files, which hnn Juat heen Invent. ul nnd which I anld to work ndtnltnlily by thine who have tealeil It. Ita principal part I a veaael. which It Intended lu hold pa to and the aide uf which are provided with I'inult nil Inul nlut. Over ilin upon part of the vckbcI In a cover and thrmu:h thp atuta a cord run. The otn-n cniia nf the alula rnn nlao bo envered. ued attached to the vcancl , a lleUlilc 1 wire, which In bent In such a manner man-ner that It bolda thn cover firmly In place. Tha cord, when not In uo ran be wrapped around thn nutaliln of the vevel, and thua In winter, when It la nut needed, the trap occupies oc-cupies very little room. t'llen, when they get near tho pnate Ir this vcbhp), are In a noro predicament; predica-ment; Indeed, ao many are tho ol-ataclea ol-ataclea In their way, It Is illdlrult to bdo hnw any of them rrn cacape. Niiw York Herald. j |