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Show ii km ere it. Haitean, ('tab, Aug. It, lwi;l, K a T'waa: Mra, Carpenter ol Kvaraton baa lieen vl.illng r lativrl In Ht'liefer thia an k. llenefer am poorly lepretented al the iinke coiilerence at Kamat. The peop! are too bu.y to make ui-h long trip. Mr. Ncoti'a extra gang, ronaitt'ng ol ai-uut W) Autlriaut, Taliaiia and lireeka, are working I. r th V, T. through brre, 'lilacing the track betaicn K. ho ni.d the nainiwi. Tne Suiiiliiy tcliO' l picnic '..day prom, itet to be a iiucraa. Mia. K'lim.i Salmon .1 Coalville api nl a few daya heie tin week w ith relative. Mi.. I.v.lU Willi, ai'd Mia, C,,ie! !' Tiayler reltll lied 'O their twine in Salt l ike on the 2nd. J. K. Kinter went t'oin to sa t Lake toilav to attend the fiirierel ol (teoig hill, who yera ago lived at Cioyden and owned proterty at Kent! r. Te-ceated Te-ceated waa well known on the Wel-er, aud bad many friend who reapected bun. A number ol our young lolk attended th dance al Krbu latt r rulay nigbl,and .port a youd titu. |