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Show UTAH STAT 10 XKWS. . Christian Andersen, Newton's oldest citizen. In dead at tho age of 83. Alva Nay of Monro accidentally hot two of hi toes off while out hunting. hunt-ing. Iiavld Madsen of Ml. Pleasant wan badly Injured alsiut the head last week by a bay fork striking lilin. louls Iscman of Hill jko Cltr la suffering from IiUhmI poisoning enuscd by the coloring matter In a pair of blnrk aock. Many tuna of hfiy will ha hint In the vicinity of Junction through I ho storms preventing tho farmers from fathering It In. Th" people of Halt l.nko City use but I,Xi gallon of milk tiny, anil It la claimed that lis milk la used In Zlon lhan In any other city. Rlrhftcld now hna perfectly or-ganged or-ganged Urn department, and with tlio Completion of thn waterworks that town will ho well protected from flro. Tho assessed value of all thn property prop-erty of Jiitih county for tho year la 2,7tt.n;M. of which I'.srt.nr.J la roprn-sentcd roprn-sentcd by tho net pmci-eds of tho mine. A Suit I.ako woman attempted t" rid a hed of bedbug", one day lnat week, with a lighted raiiillo. Hho Kot rid rif the bedbugs, also tho bed and content of thn room. Frank 1 Inline of Halt l-ake City, whlln oiling aomo niarhlnery In the foment fo-ment work, wa caught In the betting, bett-ing, hi arm being torn from hi body, death reMillliiK In a short tlmo. J. II Morrison of rtlrhflcld, whlln driving a mowing machine aero a ditch, waa thrown to tho around, badly bad-ly dislocating hla neck. Ilia lira waa despaired of fur a time, but ho la now 'out of duller. In tho ore and bullion market of Halt I.ako tho month of July closed on ettlementa aggregating ll.8:D2.'.o, thla Independent entirely from tho weiilt h that poiireil from tho furnace of tho copper Hiucltcra. In an altereatlou In a aaloon In Stockton, John Hralcr waa badly e- WoiiniUd with a knife n tho handa of a nian named Plxfiin. Tim knife would havo eered Ihe Juglar vein, but that It atriick a allllly starched collar. At Juncllon laat week lightning almck one of tho shade tree In thn court house Int. klllliiK a homo which waa tied twenty five foot from tho tree, and stunning threo men who .wore at e:iht aeventy live feci away. ; Mrs. Miles may loan her hand for thought lesily Ink lug hold of a culiliv .Hho waa III bathing nt Haltnlr and thoiiiiht It would add to her enjoyment enjoy-ment to catch hold of tho cable that Uiovea tho raft, Illrtoail of tint ahe plnced her hand In a cog wheel, Hie member being badly mangled. II. K Gregory, who It I claimed formerly for-merly lived In Huh, hua been arrest-ed arrest-ed at G.-orgelown, Colo., churned with making threat to blow up the d un of the United Unlit Tower company. com-pany. It I claimed thl la tho outcome out-come of trouble between nicmhcra of the mlnura' union and their employer. ' A Halt 1-alui Judge ha decided that there la no valid poll tax ordinance In Halt l.ake City and ha not been since the city ordinance were repealed P the legislature In ls'.ts. A mini wlii had been Htied for poll tax l.sik the cane Into court and won. The cllv j council will puna a new ordinance lit once. The second crop of alfalfa Is mali lug a rapid growth and cutting h: al ready begun III soaio few localities The hot wind and dry weather haw had a detrlnn nlal effect on thl nop and tho yield will prohahly full hlmrt of tho average. For tho first time In four year the pest house In Halt ljiko t'lty la with out a patient lu It. Four yeara ago , when amallpux broke out au old hoiiHe wa secured for an Isolation ! hospital and there liavo been palleuli 1 tbcio ever since. The body of Hoy 1 arkln, tho II year old lad who was drowned while hath Ing kt B.illalr on the 2 li d, was found !" on the 2Mb on Aclclopo Island, at a .point four mile from where hla com- fade. It H. Well, landed after Lark In had gone to (lie bottom. , Mart Sanderson ha a badly tnjurisl hand, the re.-ult of a full while unload Ing hay at hi home nt Knltvlew. II. waa carried up a dii-Uueo on n load In I which the fork was sticking up and in ; falling ran a tine of a pitchfork through a linger und baud. K. M. Huberts, a defcrter from Fort Iiouglaa, suli'ldcd la Turk City on Hun-day, Hun-day, taking forty four grain of iiinr-phlno. iiinr-phlno. Ho lelt a li tter In which he aald he had made two previous attempt at-tempt on his II fo without result, but toped to be successful the third tune |