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Show Peter an Unlucky Name. The Christian nniuo of I'oter has nnver been fashionable among mini-archs. mini-archs. lCuglaiid, for oxumple. baa never had a monarch baptized as I'eter, and In othor countries .the I'eters have been unlucky, I'eter, or Tedro, I., omperor of llrnzll, abdicated after an unensy reign, and his bod, I'edro II., waa driven to Kurope by a revolution and died In Paris In 1)191. Pedro tlio Cruel of Caatllo and I-oon was slain by his brotbor In amnio combat, com-bat, I'eter the (Jrcnt of Itussla was guilty tif of frightful excesses; hts giuiidson, I'eter II., reigned only threo years and died of smallpox at the ago of fifteen. I'otor III. waa dethroned and strangled by conspirators. v I'eter 1. of Burvla has already a brutal massacre mas-sacre behind him. |