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Show Ni:VS SI'MMAKY. t U reported Hint twenty i,ni strlk-sirs strlk-sirs wore killed ly soldiers near Tlf llx. Uiliilu. nn Saturday. Cli-irl"- Hlm-fnr.U of Kulton. Ky., mistook hiH wife fur a burglar Bnd liiil. finally injiirl -:g her. Hubert M. Wilson, .-.litor nf the Pit-Till!. Pit-Till!. III.. Clipper haa sunt.'.l In walk U) ( K- I.KlMiniM. nn III" Arctic ocean, S.Ouo mill's awuy . llov. J. 1. Alnawotth. pastor of too Proabylorlun church nf Cap (llror-deau. (llror-deau. Mo . waa drew nod while bathing In tin' Mississippi river. High water onilaed tlliirh exolto-ni.m exolto-ni.m In North Tup ka. Kans, (in Sunday, Sun-day, whim tin' flritt f1iirs In a number lf llllllKIM WITC fllHKll'll Three pcroiis wore killed anil mora tlian a score Injured by lightning at Now Hope church. Appnmnttoi county, coun-ty, Virginia, nn the am It. Thn tlilnl trial nf former Secretary of Htatii Caluli Powers da accessory to th murder of Coventor Uoebel, hai begun at Ocorgotown. Ky. In Vienna the supreme court haa deeliled that marriages tetwoen Christiana Chris-tiana and persons of no particular croud are Invalid In Auatrla. Viceroy Curzun haa telegraphed a lengthy protest to the horn government govern-ment against saddling India with th ' coat of th South African garrison. Tho negro who killed a policeman at Kvanavlllo, Inil , and thus started the recent rlota. Is dead from Injuries received In the encounter with the policeman. Mrs. I.ydla Hancock la dead at her home In Palmer, Mans., nt tho axe of 100 years and ono month. Until re-certly re-certly she bad been able to read without with-out glasses. Tho entire family of D. W. Ward, a men-hunt of llallnh, Neb., v.ero poisoned pois-oned by eating sardines. Mr. Ward and throe children are dead. Mrs. Ward will recover. A large area of coal, estimated to contain 250.000,000 tons bas boen located lo-cated In the Peace Hlvor country, D. C. Borne nf (be seams are said to be nine foot thick. The bodies of Mrs. Sadie llonth and F. P. Kgan, of Dorchester, Mass., wore found In a yard with their throats cut. It Is believed to be a case of mar-tier mar-tier and suicide. 1. 8. McMellan, an American, baa died of yellow fever at Blerra Blaaca, Moxlco. This la the first American to I succumb to the disease, although a r Dumber of natives have died. , Sentiment against negroes In south ern Indiana haa become so Intense since the recent trouble at Kransvllle that negroes am dally leaving for the south, wbore they will soek homos. Rev. H. D. Illlson, a negro proacher, shot and killed his wife In a confectionary confec-tionary store In Kansas City, Kans. The shooting was the outcome of a divorce di-vorce suit brought by Mrs. Illlsun. Anthony Montnnlno of Boston was pursued and captured at Chelsea. Mass., following a duel with Joseph Corao, In which tho latter waa stabbed to death. The murder reunited from a quarrel. It Is stated that as a result of Hfc qulry by Austrian and Russian consuls con-suls Into the recent evonts at 8a-lonlca, 8a-lonlca, Austria and Russia will demand de-mand the dismissal of the chief of police po-lice at Baloulra. At tho Populist conference held In Denver last week, the resolutions committee com-mittee reported an address to the public, pub-lic, whlnb waa adopted, declaring that all differences between the two factions fac-tions of tha party have been settled. Dispatches received In 8alonlca say that eighteen Rulgartan officers bav left Sofia for Baloulca for the purpose of renewing the dynamite outrage Several of them are supposed to have already arrived. The population la aniloiis. Mrs. Ida duller haa been arrested at Hunker Hill, Ills., charged with poisoning poison-ing a 0 year-old boy by means of poisoned candy, It being charged that she committed the crime because hla father had secured a salaried position held by her husband. The government hss decided to acquire ac-quire a square In Washington, between be-tween Eighteenth and Nineteenth and B and F streets, located Just west of th stat, war and navy building, as a alt for th proposed hall of records for government archives. The monthly statement of th pub-llo pub-llo debt shows that at the close of business July 31, 1903, the debt, less cash In the treasury, amounted to $930,023,208, which Is a docreue of $11,011,671 aa compared with June, , due to a decrease In cash. Walter R. Condon, formorly of Cold-water, Cold-water, Mich., said to be belr to $3D0-000, $3D0-000, was found lsst Saturday after a long search, employed as elevator conductor con-ductor In a Chicago office building. Condon left home seven years ago to "make a name for himself." Ex-Delegate Wilcox nf Hawaii, speaking before the Home Ilulo convention, con-vention, urged that congress be memorialized me-morialized to grant Ilawalln Independence. Independ-ence. He also strongly fuvorud the establishment of a government for the '.llunds similar in that of nib. j |