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Show THE SEEKER AFTER TROUBLE j The really unhappy man, whos - un-happlness un-happlness Is hla own fault, a tl. one who Is forever carrying "a chip upon hla shoulder." Perhaps his happiness happi-ness Is hla unhappliKiss, for when he la not engaged In a personal alienation aliena-tion he Is brooding over sumo fiiin-led Blight and awaiting a favorable opportunity oppor-tunity to give vent to hla wrath. The man with the rhlp on his shoulder shoul-der Is easily recognized, and hla society so-ciety hy wise people la carefully avoided. avoid-ed. Ho can go nowhere without trouble trou-ble following In his wake. If ha attends at-tends a theater he Is either annoyed by tbe usher or someone In the audi-enco, audi-enco, or at the man In tho box office for not having suld him a anal bought long before ho appeared at the window. win-dow. He is thn bane of the car conductor, con-ductor, and un the railroad train he sucieeds In embroiling hlmaelf In a row with the brakemnn, conductor. Pullman-car porter and the pussengers. Kttch flying cinder from tho locomotive locomo-tive Is alined cspvclully at his eyes, and he sucieeds In stirring up the , splilt of mutiny In the hearts uf th j Iravelers. Them are some women similarly constituted, who manage to be In trouble trou-ble from Iho moment their eyes open j In the morning till they closo thcia In sleep. Those people aro Indeed to bo pilled. If Indeed they are not cur- ! Daily baled. This quarrelaome habit j of niihil can be ao tendered that th ; petulaiH-y grows to be a malignant J disease and leads sometlmea to th j Insane asylum. Parents who nolle j In their children this fretful, quarreling quarrel-ing disposition can easily find a rem- dy. They may not agree to the measure- simply, a good, sound thrsihliu;. -Kverone haa heard uf the story of the child who was continually whim ' poring and quurrelliiR. In despair the mother cried: "Are you Blek? What do you want?" Gravely tho child an-awercd: an-awercd: "I think, Mamma. I want a whipping." She received the whip- ping, and there was a marked lin- 1 i proveiuent In her temper. San Krun- I claco PlIHt. I |