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Show EXPERIMENTING WITH SPUDS. Farmer Acats Mew Ideas In Potato Raising. tlisirge Klrod, a farmer living east ol lleiliord. In. I.. cporlniciitid with a ru-w Idea In rnlslug potatoe thl sou-ton, sou-ton, und na a result ha tho fluent ;'ip. grown with les labor, ever raised In the county. Mr. Fired plant-.-it hi potatoes, ctcrlng them with .le nt half a line of dirt, nfter which Ae carefully covered tho entlro patch Willi a good bed of straw, pneking It down ns Holld ns possible. They have never been molested slr.ee the plant- Ing. nnd tho ground la covered with i ti e vines, which grew up through tho straw-, not a weed being In tho entlro I p-'teh, nnd underneath I almni't a I solid hed of tho finest, largest pot I toes ever seen In a patch. I |