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Show A KNOT FOH SOLOMON. Legal Point Which Might Puizla Evan Thst Wise King. If tha wlao King Solomon could be again Invc.cd wlln hla rohea of stale aud ha permitted to hear evidence mid render Judgment In certaiu vexa Hous cuiuis which pintado modern Snlors from Mmo to time, ho, too. A light find h.a proverbial wladotn put o a cevor . .nt. Tho luteal In the line of freak case la one reported from fcluropo. A rich hanker died In Warsaw War-saw recently, and In his will stlpulatod Hiat his fortune should go to the first of his threo nieces who ihould marry. Kaeh ona of the blooming damsels promptly set out In quest of a husband. hus-band. Hevornl daya later each returned, return-ed, and that Is where the real trouble began lor tha Judges; for each had a cortlnYate frum a notary affirming thai aha bad boon married at a curtain hour tliat morning, and all three cere-monlea cere-monlea were performed at tha asm. moment of II mo, |