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Show Necessity keeps man f roiii getting rusty. lie who nmr wt his opportunity lll never find ii. In order to be rar you am riiihl )-.ii must go ale-l and rind out. Mr ii line to hear ol ihcir power but dielike t be reminded of their duty. I'aia.l.ixicul i liouii tt it may in rer) lime mm goes i.l it days rig-lit there. Mrs. W. W. C'liilf ieturi.e.1 homo limn Halt l.skri TufnUv. Mrs. It. B. Rand ami (on aeut to Taik City yesterday tin a vlnt. Mrs. John Cullis went to Oj.lcn yesterday yes-terday on a pleasure trip! Hiahop Crolt made, a trip opto Slor-ly' Slor-ly' to unit )a'rnlay. A. I). Wbesdou hat spent the pant meek III Halt !. n tMltlreetts. Two ca's uf mine plops were lua.ltd thin week ami -til t H toT.nilr. . llf Allcn'roined 'hne" the first" of the week Iroiu Kaai..ud, Canada. Mies Mary i,t ,lon from l'eoa on buiuaa ami pleasure Tuesday. In after year it makes a man f.el sad wrhn l.e th'nks In. fic-hli. used io m. (Juitn a number from hern ail iro nn the excursion, to .-a'tair next Wednesday. Wednes-day. hiimnel Uniiton as down lioui " ranch at Oakley Wrdneailay mi busi ness. When a w.-iuau nu.tt'es you aith bet lbuw it it equivalent to saying "t mid y..n so." , County A nor y Oils bmul.t Lis ! l'e m.cl baby down In in Kaiuas on Monday. John Kdwards, Hie Z. C. M. I. shoe ! lrummrr, was heie We Ineslny holeni: up order.. j Our oorrcspo.i.lenta havsj evi.lertly i gone oil itrikH this week, an wno.dy' on letter. Mm. Janes Johnston returned boron yesterday (rum an extenleil visit to Salt I 1-ai.e City. i I'r. O. W. French a i l J. I.. Hoyden 1 went ili.nn bj all l.ae Tuesday n.ght 1 ou buainess. ' - . i There seem to be a .he. lily lining j tietween some people and the blight i aided life. 1 C. II. K. Sievena of lleuefer was I transacting business here Wednesday 1 and yetot-riuy. Mr. J. II. Ifarbr ciune out from Halt I.Hkti Saturday and uel.t otit iimpioi; with her parenta. Hetli Rity iiiioe out Ironi Suit Lake l,.! NAturday li.d eut up to hi lalK'h j nn Velio Ueek. hen Nichols returned to Cuiuher!ant yetterday mornii jf, af'er spending a few lyi hei with hi family. 1 he section foremen anil aialiou amenta on the brdiieh line went to Ei-bo laht 1 iidy to take examination. I . 1 Attnrney Kd. Alliaon came out noin i rialt Lake Wednesday and haa gone up Chalk Cieek to do a ii'.tlr flshiug. J W A. Munger, axeut of the A'.um Lilt Iniuraooe coinpany, her few tlayt tli ia ueek Uaking np bmiiieaa. j I ! ! . t Is M'lne people waste all their ympnthy on others inittvadof rerving afewrlo-et ol th"ir own trial and trihti'.ntion. K'lt SAI.K-Card b..aid. picture moon, lance piationety. tiote hook, pap-r, envelope-, etc., at lliir tll'ne. eveinl crowla Itoui her- and llovt.-v llovt.-v . ' I have Koue out to "priol a few w.-cli- in the iionintiiii on llenr rivi r. W'lien you h rtr a man complain lw-cu lw-cu there In "nothin dcinu" the rbancevaie be't fond i f lining nothing. Mr. and Mm. Tail Allison entertained a few frtendi at dinner Tuesday evening in honor of Mi.. I.ulu IVnn.ee of Salt l.nke ( i'y. The ipiar'eilv bulletin of the conrsea of study otrered hv t lip Latter-day Sail te I'niversi'y fcr ll :l-lti4 came to hand thia week. I'r. S'anley Clnwa.ui rau.e out from j Salt Lake jpatenlay ami will spend a ' few ihivi flsl.lng up Chalk Creek with I hr. W, Visick. One of Kil Ilees' hnya broke out w it b small pox the tlret of the week and the ("Hilly wim iuarantmed. Thia la the only new case. A carload ef telephone wire wan un-ha.led un-ha.led here this week for the Rocky .Mountain Hell Telephone Co., which will he used In constructing a new line fiom here to l'ark City. (corue Kdgiuuton came down fmm Iloise, Ida. , last Saturday to apend a few ilava with his mother. He returned We.lncs.lny and his inotl.eracou.piiie.l him. She will vinit there fur a lew weeki. When yon want phvtlc that la mild and gentle, easy to take and certain to act, alwaya uae C'hamlierlain't Mtouiach and I Iver Tablets. For sale by John Koyilen A Son. Mis. Mary Mciieeof l'ark City, a clerk in the census office at Washington, I). C, wai bere last Saturday to get the financial italementa of the county and city as surh other Information as pertained per-tained to that office. - All ilievaeee auruin n twweli.-sKeep them ojwn or vui will he sick. t'4H-CAKKTM t'4H-CAKKTM act like nature. Keep liver ami t.oweis a?nv without a aicanning gripinf feeling. 8ix- nillliona people taae and recommen l CAM'A KKTs ; try a Ilk' h x. .ill Irnniiirts. lieoriie lleanl and Ininilv, William -'oion anl fnmily ami the M .. s M. ). and Mnttie Salmon lelt on Monday for a month's nn li; at China Ijike, Wyo. They have gone with the intention of hiving a gord lime. K.C. Wo.d. a 'id son. J. T.Newton, and C. W. It'imphria of dgden. A. I. .'hainher'ain of Kvanstnn, .1. a Jones of Murray, F. I II vn of l'ark City and I., s. Atkinson i f 'oloradn Springs were Iitm T'lcs.l.H' on htisiuess ronnee'ed J with the I. i.l- on I'.e new court hi ue. i County Clerk Neelcv and wife and I Misa lnei llbead lelt yesterday lor Fran-e Fran-e , and from there they will go over on the Ihieheane to spend a week or un days Ashing. Mr. .Neel-y's parents will 't1' ii uny them. Miss I'.lancbe Young will assist with the wo.k in the cluk'e office during Mr. Neeley'a absence. j A gnme nl base ball was played in the ei'y paia iast Saturday afternoon l tween ttie rine Mew team and a few )') picked up from around Cnalviile. Itwasn pietty tame efTair ami was broken up Itefore nine iniiiogs were played, the fonn-r li ei.ig much In the lead. Neither aide ha I their regular reg-ular It "M. TI.e '.1.11111 l nge. ,:, - ol ,0 niv dr l e-k aid p.-,.i,.r.. u ,le-jC'Icilly ,le-jC'Icilly '..tier apwua.ie. li.en.n.H of N. I' N-l-on ;,s p.ihj..,.r i ai the top of lb- lo.umu on tlie e.lllotKl pagr, I and from an ii"nouucem-ni we team I that Hie in I'-i.. F"e 1'r-s. . . Te Mea-ecg'r lace le-n ...I:.b...I, which Is a g o ! move ami wiil le U-i..-f..;ill 10 tl.e pohhsheit Ul.d the .l.li . Suci et' to tile Hew llOlll.itcOI.'l.t. j Mr-. Mo 'ie A'leu.r.f S.iutl, F r, Ki.. ' says she has prevented attack" ol cl.ol ' erj ti.o'l.c.a by taking Chamberlain's j fctomach himI I. Iver Tabkts when she fill an attack coming on. Such attacks are usually caused by indigestion, and . these Tablets aie just what is needed to! cleai. the stomach and ward ofT the1 appr..achii.g attack. Attacks of billons' colic amy he prevented in the uti.e way. For aele by John Hoyden A Son. I I Attention is calli.l to the a.lverti-.,- ment of brands and lunik f Willitm , McMichael in this iue. We would stig-I stig-I gest to the cattlemen that it may be the means i f saving tlietn n.any an animal ! if thev wou'd adopt the method that Mr. I McMiciia.-l has .lone, that ia have their brand advert i-e.l in the county piper, j There are n gn at manv .e. pl w ho have cattle on the rang- a hose tosn-is are u.t ( kn.. n, an.l many tiin.s valuable am-j am-j inals are losi localise -l not ki ow ing I win sj br.ir .1 they curry. Tha cost for : running such an adveitisement docs not ainnun to verr much, and It would lie a ' tine thing for all the cattlemen to do as Mr. MrMichacI has u ne. Call in and ! let us fix you up before the fall rounding j A prnsp. rous husiuc-s nun sends bis I son to college and flmle a place (or him I In bis counting room when the inn rad nntes, ami tne road to success is open to such a one. Rut in the rase of the graduate grad-uate whose. tber bad no pUce to utrer him and who has no capital to embark ' In trade there ale sen lifncnltlce. I I When be an plies for employment he I generally finds aa his riviil the boy who was never educated Wynnd the graiL-I graiL-I mar school, who wem ii.t i the c. untir.g room at the age nl 12 to In years at a lea- dollars a week. This boy has Wen learning, the business while the college Itoy has been at his books.und when the latter has graduated he tin, Is that the boy of his age has completed the apprenticeship ap-prenticeship and Is in the possession of a good position. The college man who over ill ym,, o( nt9 j, 1JO, orijn,rj, willing to begin with the duties and ants of the twelve-yeai-old lad, and this is often the only place open to him. y.. |