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Show I GO UACK TO SAVAGERY j Thotu art alMitit btilf a doron mon living inntiwIiiTi) In (he Interior of (ho I'lg Afrlonn ttiiil Infill that Iho KnglMi ntllllnry aulliorllloii wiiuld 111 o lo Interview. And It wouldn't bo a lin g Inlcrvlow. a-llhor. (Hie or ntK uiin h wanted Individual Individ-ual in uia-rly a colnuijl In Iho Ru!tlni. Army, hut hud In leave It under dbgnn ctul ctrt tiuiMtancoa. An I'lhor la a I'rusa'nn c.eri:eaiit, who No col lulu trt.iililo at In 1110. Tho rt wttre l-'urop-an milillora of varlotia iiniliinalliloa, All of (hem drlfit-d loin lU'.ypt. whoio (hoy aliju.o.l I'ln Ii llanlty, pin foitH.'d M.'hiimiiM'ditti!-m ntid joim-d thn rtircia t( Do Mahtll whon Hat attctiuiiiia party waa at th-.1 hoii-ht of hla power. Their tnlllinry x t-1 1 1: lua lo them valualilo. uml m ihu Main tin tight Ihilr cot.veiU wim ulntem and haikoii .ipon tliom with iho uituoal favor, all nhialnoil re iiniulhlo ponl-tleui ponl-tleui In Iho army of Iho M.ihill. Tho M:ihdl and hH follow ata woro nnl lm lino,! lo deal any loo gently with. Chrlallana who loll Into thoir hiimla. but tlnno niitiiiiutca went far lieyolid tho il. i-vl-hoa In cruelty. Tholr proa-onto proa-onto with Iho Mahtll ulllinntoly bt-en bt-en in f known, 11ml Iho fooling toward lb. in among Iho Kugllxh anltllora aat tiulto d!nvii-iil from that felt toward Hm iletvMioH, who were rt-garded ua linuo men ami tholr logllltuulo ou ml . Vol. whllo Ihouitunda of holler men fell hororo the awet'ii of Iho Minima In die terrible chntKO at Oimlui 1111111 lheo aptintllloa em aped. At leut their bntllea were tint ftiuiid on (ho haiilo llilil, alihoiiKh a imntl caiciitl ean h wiih in.i.le fur them. II la aup-po aup-po id that thi-y II' tl to the limit Ii, nnd are now hltlli'K with amno of ho (i-llioH of i-i-ntitil Aftlt-a or thn atiiiih t-iii Imiii.'iiii Slum 1.1 Ihoy over fall It to Iho hand of Iho Kiiilllith II will not lnl.o IniiK lo dot Itlo (heir fate. Tie call of tho wild, uiirotiralnod lift- la t 110 thai at tlmoa appcnla lo many. Il la Iho old tall of Iho Jungta tiii.l fiiictl Hut (hero In llttlii hopti o( rivlulmlrg tho luun who hua ronlly ylthloil In II. |