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Show r t C',i THE COALVILLE TIMES. - THE PEOPLE S MEYEPT1SER DEVOTED TO TME . COALVILLE, Vol. X. e THE OLD RELIABLE m otTirrr si! tneir sj a lew w metta mp-ith- 1 of res-rvi- ng trials and tribulations. I.E Card board, picture H'K stationciy, note iiyok, luotHi, fane c papT, envelope- etc, at this tie e. of ji th-- ow n ir - j ' from here and Hm te- to pciid a few ou' tone he mountains on Bear river, voulirM'l) ' Vi have u I ci, vou cause there c fiainev ate GPg man complain a in-a- r nothin is hes lhson entertained Mr ami Mrs. Call ase I P0UDEC5 ( i 1 ' ly. 4 Ir. Willey Claws came out from will spend a and vesterday few davs fishing up Chalk Creek with I)r. W. Visick. wwiwivi iwywryv" Necessity keeps a man from getting m Lake 811 PERSONALS. One of Ed Rees boys broke out with small pox the first of the week and the family was quarantined. This is the only new case. rusty. He who nevt-- seeks will never find it. Attei tion is tailrd to the adwrti.e-o- n t of brand and mark f llliatt MoMichael in this issue. W e would sug-gest to the cattlemen that it may be the nieana i f saving then) many an animal if thev woo'd adopt the method that Mr McMicna lias done, that is have theif brand adertied in the coo nty paper. Tnere are a great manv people who fiak tattle on tfie range hoe tirand are not ktmw n, and many times valuable ant' f mals are lost lei ause not krowing w Ik 6 J brat d they carry. The cost for running such an advertisement does not 'amount to very much, anti it would lie a fine thing for all the cat'lemen :o do as Mr. McMichael has dine. Call in and let us fix you up before the fall rounding commences of THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE wwwvwwwiavw Tuesday evening Pea rose of Salt his opportunity SUMMIT COUNTY, UTAH. AUGUST 7, COURT HOUSE JQB HEATir WCRK A carload ef telephone wire was unIn order to be sore vou are right here this week for the Rocky loaded y hi must go ahead and find out. Mountain Beli Telephone Co., which Men love to hear of their power but will be used in constructing a new line dislike to be reminded of their doty. from here to Park City. No. 1903. time a gun goes of seem ever George Edgington came down from Boise, Ida , last Saturday to spend a few it stays rigot there. TRACT AWARDED. E. J. Brggvnf lurk ; H. Salmon oT ( City andJ. oalt tile the suecewful Kidder. t The couii'y i nin.ss:cners opened tl e the erect on of the new court bouse uf -- uminit county Tuesday, and oo Wednesday the contract was awarded t E. J. Rrggs of Park City, and J. H. linon of Coalvide, they being the Ittwest I idilers. The oher bidders and tie, r prices are as follows: J.T. New-tn- , Ogden, 123,000, Mill Company of Hurray, bv J. A. Jones, 2,750,E. J. A prosp- - rous business mn sends his Beggs and J. H. Salmon, (13,887 ; L. 8. son to college and finds a p'ace for him Atkinson, Colorado Springs, (13 848; C. in his connting room when the son grad U. Humprie, Ogden, 22,0n5 Mr. Atkinmt'ee. and tne road to success i open to son withdrew his hid, and that left such a one. But in the rase of the graduate whose father had no place to offer Messrs. Beggs and Salmon the lowest him and who has no capital to embark 'bidders, in trade there are serious difficulties. t Bv awarding the contract to these men When be applies for employment be will It keep all the money for the labor generally finds as his rival the boy who was never educated beyond the gram- In the county, or nearly all o! it, and as mar school, who went inti the counting lf. Salmon owns the rock with which room at the age of 12 to 15 years at a h building is to be erected, thta will fear dollars week. This hoy has been esn considerable. learning the business while the college A'ork will be commenced t once on boy hss been at his books, and when the latter has graduated he finds that the bsexcavating for the foundation and boy of his age has completed the apbuilding will Le completed just a prenticeship and is in the possession of toon as possible. A sewer drain pipe good position. The college man who fill be run from the court bouse to ron-ns over 21 years of age is not ordinarily with the one put in some years ago Willing to begin with the duties and fiie of by the and city near Chalk Creek, so that lad, fages this is often the only place open to him, modern water works, etc., can be put in -- Ex. the building. Wbeu completed the building will be ahandom structure Suicide Prevented. aeda credit to the county. The startling announcement that a I While in session the commissioner preventive of suicide bad been discovered will interest many. A rnn down sys- transacted considerable rootin busitem, or despondency invariably precede ness, Bills amounting to about (600 suicide and something hae been found wersallowed. A new poll tax district that will prevent that condition which was Rested st Pine View and William makes suicide likely. At the firet thought Sta.ey was appointed supervisor. F. C. of eelf destruction take Electric Bitters. Woods of Ogden was authorised 0 purIt being a great tonic and nervine will chasi for the county 800 feet of 8 inch cUy pipe for the sewer and 150 feet of 6 strengthen the nerves and build up tl systeubTtf also a great Stomach, Live In Ji K and Kidney regulator.- - Oolv A0c. Saifs 1 A John WveMerjr Cur a Without h Aid Ufa facttoiunguaranieed by Boyden Doctor. li le - f ir Peoples Mercantile Company. DEALERS IN General Merchandise. ALMA ELDREDGE Manager. THE- - evnter Salt Lake Tueedav. week. Mrs. R. B. Rand and son went to Park City yesterday on a visit. Mrs. John Callis went to Ogden terday on a pleasure trip. yes- Bishop Crott made a trip cp to bys saw mill yesterday. Mor- - A twelve-year-ol- days with his mother. He returned Wednesday and h)s mother accompanied him. she will visit there for a few Mrs. W. V. Clutf teiurned heme flora When you wants pbv sic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and certain to act, always use Chamberlains Stomach and liver Tablets, For sale by John Boyden A Son. d Miss Mary McGee of Park City, a clerk in the census office at Washington, D. A. D. Wbeadou has spent the past C., was here last Saturday to get the financial statement of the county and week in Balt i.ake on business. City as such other information as perTwo cars of mine props were loaded tained to that office. . , , , this week and shipped i finite; i f ' i disease ettrttin rite fchwe!. Keep itfcwtr 4, ranTthe first them open or yoa will he tick. lledreMiVneil Son, druggist. . act like nature. Keep liver of the week from Ray moud, Canada. and bowels active without a sickening City Council Meeting. Six millions people griping feeling. Miss Mary Walker uat doau from take and recommenl CASC4RETS; try The city council met In regular session Ieoa on business and pleasure Tuesday. a 10c bux. rtll druggists. Monday evening, Major Croft presiding and a quorum present. Prayer by CounIn after tear it makes a man feel sad George Beard and familv, William cilman Lamb. Minutes of held wh-a'mon and fanulv and the Misses M. R. he th'nks how fresh li used to Ire 7th were read snd approved, after July and Mattie Salmon left on Monday fora which the fallowing bills were allowed: Quite a number from herewi'lgoon months on'ir.g at China Lake, Wyo. r Wednesto Salta next the excursion rtiev have gone with the intention of W. L). Robinson, running sprinkler 171.44 2.50 Koy Wilkins, killing dog day. having a goed time. VMlford Simister, quarantine attendant 7.75 Samuel Bnnton was dow n from Ins Coalville Tiui-- e, printing 14.00 T. Wo de F. and C J. son, Newton, busion ranch at Oakley Wednesday T L. Beech, work on ditch. .. . 2.00 and C W. H'imphris of Ogden. A. I). Eli Robi ness. .. 6.00 neon, work on ditch L'hamber'ain of Evanston, J. A Jones of w o h her W hen a woman The & bills John o' B-con, $17.85 Boyden of Park City and midges you Murray, F J elbow it is equivalent to saying I od L. S. Atkinson f Colorado Springs were ami Dr. French, $28 50, quarantine exyon so. lire Tu"dav n business connected pense, w el referred to the committee OncDims au i accounts with power to with the bids or the new rourt house. Countv Vtor e- - Cal is brought his act. wife and baby down fr m Kamae on The sextons report for June and July wife Clerk and Neeley and County Monday. wa read and approved. Miss Inez Rbead left yesterday lor Fran-- c The auditing committee reported that John Edwards, the Z. C. M I. shoe s, and from there they will go over on drumu.rr, wa- - heie Wefnesiay 'ook'ng the Duchesne to spen f a week or ten thev bad found the recorder's and treasurers reports correct. op order1. days fishing. Mr. Neeley's parents will M Blanche Young . The committee on streets alleys and tnem. Our oorretpondents have emjeity accompany as instructed to have the work in the clerks bridees the wll wih assist across gone on striae tlu week, as weo.lv office Chalk Creek oj, Second br.dge during Mr. Neeleys absence. one letter. North street repaired. Council adjourned to Aug. 17th. BenA game of base ball was played in the Mrs. James Johnston returned home ediction by Councilman Walker. iaet Saturday afternoon beyesterday from an extended visit to Balt city pars iew tween the Pine View team and a Lake City. Tlie lkcHlIi boys tucked up from aronnd Coalville. tame affair and was 0 TV. French and J. L. Boyden I was a pret-tK bttleresults In thing onaetfm went down to Salt Lae Tuesday night broken up liefore nine innings were mere wra'ch, insignideath- - Tnus in former much the on business. eing played, theiesd. Neither side had their reg- ficant cut er puny bo la have paid the death pert vl'y. D is ie to have Buek-len'There seems to be a shoddy lining ular C eft. Arnica eal ever nan-- v It he between some people and the bright b t o and will prevent The Dot i Aide cf life. rr-e, w U'cersand ar it new dr-a de- - fbty w ben C. H. R. S'evens of llenefer was I'd- - ttir-t- t ei25c at Only Tfie n me teTler appevtat-iededly transacting business here Wednesday of N. P IIS put) isli r is at the i1 and v esteruar. top of 1 oium and from an i Mr-J. H. Barber came out from Salt e he koi 'that Prjat4'he ' Lake Saturday and went out tamping nr thi j o oittry leen consolidated, stale ine lave with her parents. which is a g o ! move and w id te t TniTin'g.'"-a'a7y I to ti-weegTy wiYliex- publishers, and Seth Rigby came out from Salt Lake in cash additional, ail j Surces'- - to the new: management. brei-t last Saturday am) went up to his ranch each A offices iv from Horae and carriage f irmehe I w hen on Yellow- Creek. Mo rie ABerT.C-- South F ric, EiicT--se Kr.,e:ary. Colonial Co., 334 she has prevented attack of chol dressed envelope. Ben Nichols returned to Cumberland Peweborn street. Chjcago. by taking Chamberlains yesterday niornirg, afer spending a few erj Stomach and Liver Tablets when she days here with his family. felt an attack coming on. Such a'tacks The section foremen and station agents are wnaliy caused by indigestion, and j A grievous wail oftimes comes as a on the brapch lme went to Echo last these Tablets ar just wbat is needed to Lresult of unbearable pstn from over the stomach and ward off the ed organ. Dizziness, backache, liver Friday to take examination. of bilious complaint end constipation. But thanks approaching attack. Attack Attorney Ed. Allison came out irom colic may b prevented in fh same way to Dr. Kings New Life Pills they pot Balt Lake Wednesday and has gone np For sale by John Boydeo A Son. n end to it all. They are gentle but Chalk Creek to do a little fishing. - --thorough., Trythein Only yo by John Boyden k Son, drnggistr. Your return card printed on ' W. Ar Mufiger, agent of the Aitn Life Insurance company, was here a few ioo envelopes for 75 cents at Subscribe for THE TIMES. THE TIMES office. day this week looking np business. il CAS-CAfiE- TS se-si- n Pcsall, lr s fs-l- ast e-- k c j tli--- F-- e er I le-r.- tif-T- fi'-.- -- -es . I an just np from a bard spell of tb flux" (dystenerv) says Mr. T. A. Pinner, a well known merchant of Drummond, Tenn. I used one small bottle of Cham- herlams Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, aod was cured without having a doctor. I consider it th best cholera There is no need remedy in the woijd. of employing a doctor when this remedy is ned, for no doctor can prescribe a better medicine for bowel complaint in any form either for children or adulte. It never fails and 11 pleasant to take. For sale by John Boyden A Son. Nolle to Creditors Es'ate of William Stevenson, Creditors will present their claims tfie undesigned at her with voucheii dvet-aaed- . t- reideme at Llsh, 00 or Ech', before unnnit county, the .sevunddayof A. 1), 19H3. Licr bTKVKJVSON, Administratrix of the estate of Willihm Stevenson, deceased. Date of first publication July 31, 1003. C. A. Calli-- , attoinev for adinmietratrix. Hof Cared of Colie After Fh)ilclM'i Treatment Hod frollod My boy when four years old was taken with colics and ersmps in the stomach. I sent for the doctor and he ir jetted morp' ine, but the child kept getting wore. I then gave him half a tapxm-fi- i ChamVnains Colic, and Diarrhoea Remedy, and in half sn hour and a on he wav eie-piF. L Vii.gj, Lake, v i. Mr. Wil-- ki Ci-l-r- mo-bu- s BECAUSE The writing is right before your eyes" all the lime, which ha? never been accomplished by a standard, high grade Typewriter until now. It is ftCcoinpd'Brd in the rrT'FT"Ttr'T'' ; mu piuctlcanfr'ith6ut the sacrifice of a single previous existing advantage, but with the, addition of many others never before obtainable. an VO' H It has a Tabulator which in an ! Is a at w m , a-- f t f a am os? part of the machine. Others charge (25 lStopsareallinfront.lt instant without soiling the hands. It Tension which permits of the Uniform Adjustment of all keys. Thecarriage is full Hall Herring. Corrections can be made in an instaut and least parts to get out of order. made. Curators save from 25 to these advantages. It Is the Most Durable Typewriter per cent, of their time owing to 33 i is the only typewritefthat ever ceived. the official endorsement of the Private Commercial School Managers Association. THE UNDERWOOD re- " The above Association Is corn (awed of the owners of Ihe leading Busine Colleges of the couiury. It Is but doing justice to jourself to lnrestlgate tbs merits of tbe UNDERWOOD DNDERWOOD Typewriter before baying. TYPEWRITERAGENGY, ng for' e w Lnm-e-- A i Co the Mie.l For sale, hy John L-k- e Bo-u-- son. Advertise your goods in THE TIMES. KH ril COM) IS ON I. A V Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. '-r Ail dr'.vgi-t- j refund v it ii IbiIs to cur. E W, Groves signature is on each box, ' 25c. A General agents for Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Nevadu. Oregon, Washington and Colorado. t Agents lor Columbia Phonogripb Cof. Products. 2411 Washington Ate., IrlU OGDEN, for Clrculis,' UTAH. in-i- h-- atl f Business Purposes , - . P-- Is the Most Practical Typewriter for School or - j Mes-ecg- 31. CGH- - e-i 1uradoiical though it may EXECUTED mt-n- The quarterly bulletin of the courses Sail ts study offered bv tne Latter-da- y U0d-iH'came hand to fer University this week. Absolutely Pure AND the doing fond cf doing nothing. a lew friends at dinner in hoivr of Miss l.ulu LOCALS do-- RESTS OF StTMMlTOOTrNTTr X2STT Xot OverHie. There is an bid girl stared at a picture cf a but ip the set of heedlessly treading oo a snake, line it paralled by ibe man bo spend a large sum of money building a cyclone cellar, bjit neglects to provide hit family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ae a safeguard against bowel complaints, whose victims outnumber thoee of the cyclone a hundred to one. This remedy 1 every a here' recognized at the most prompt and reliable medicine in use for these Ueeesee.-- - For tale by John Boyden A Son. grass-hoppe- Perfumed and Medicated. Soaps For toilet and bath. Anew line; the most complete ever displayed in the city. 5 cts to 35 cts per cake. '5 cts Try our Crown-Castile- , - - - John Boyden & Son. . , |