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Show Ainerlva'a Npwaal Knrla. 1'iuip Mn in inovea ao iulelly nnd awlfily Hint very few- people would ho aware uf the work going on nt the uew fortllicutloiia If It were not for thp ucwHpiipcra. for Hie paat two yearn at Cunlilnua nud nt (licnt Dlnmnnd laluuila two i . Ihp moat modern nud alrolu-eat foitn oil Ihe Atlnnllc Ben-lioard Ben-lioard hnvp iH-M-n 111 pioccas of couhtruo Hon.. Tltcy nre l ie reaulta uf thp high-eat high-eat engineering aklll lu thp liinil. Hip riirtlllciitloni emtio, ly Ihe In l cut nud moat approved polnla 111 mllltnry mil-nlruollon mil-nlruollon nnd Imlh lorla iiinunt lmt t.'i.ea of the Inmost guua In Hie world. When coinplelct. Poiilatid will ha the moat allougly fortHU'd mrt lu Anierlcn, nnd na n Htnitelc point one of Hie moat 1itiinrtitiit lu ,h. counlry. Lew Mon (U.) Jutirmil, |