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Show , i A AELIC OF ROMAN GREATNESS Aqueduct Which Still Endu-ea aftai lla Flight of Many Certuriea. Brntterni a'mut tn vnrluui paru of Europe, wherever Knninna unco held way, are Hie remnlna of aqucducta onco huro and mnaaivn and even yot t Irturptniup in their alinlterod great-neaa; great-neaa; their wntorleaa ctinnrela mutely atipgeativn of a more Rlnrlnua pant. Among thpn the mi at cp'ohrntcd la tho great aiiieilurt nf Punt ilu flnrd, near Niamea, liilheanuth m' Franco, which wna dmlgncd to convey to that town the aalera of the fuuntaln nf Auro. It eroaaea th ppautlfiil valley friirn point to point nf Ihn high hllla nn althor aide, apniitilng the rlvor Uardnn Roman Aqueduct of Pont Du Card. In Ita rniirae. Aa may ha aeon by tlia llluatratlun It cunlata of thrca Mora nf archer tho lower of which are of So foot apnn. Thn amaller arrhoa aun- port the trunk of the aiiunduct, which waa four font wide by five feel In depth, and nt an elevation uf ir.0 foot atiove tho river bed. Thin waa lined with a coating of rpmcnt ard rod clny, but otliprwlao tho niaaalve atone work waa built without mortar of any kind. Except for the dilapidation of the xtromltloa thla aplendld atructura la yet la a very aoud alato of preaerra- lion. A contemplation of Ita tima-pndurlng tima-pndurlng anlldlty leada one to a qnca-'nn qnca-'nn of all a'lanrlilng Intcroat. Had Iluma bill fniinded her omplro with a like regard fur aulldlty and endurance, what would be the cnndltlon of tho elvlllicd world to-day T ' EVOLUTION OF THE FAN. 1. Keyptlan; I and 3 Fnst Indian; 4. Mexican; 5. ancient (Inok; 6, Chi-he; Chi-he; T. Ilfipcnth century; 8, alxtocntn I century; 9, feather fnn; 10. sixteenth I century; 11, empire; 15, to-day; 13, 4 pocket fan. n f -i . " ' v.. 'IM |