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Show DANGER IN HOME SHAMPOO. Improper Method o' Drying tha Hair Causes Earache, "One reason why women are troubled trou-bled with enraclie more chorally than men Is their method of drying the hair after a home sbainioo," aald a doctor. "Tliey dry It wlta a fan. which la quite proper, but the way they line the fan Is entliely Improper. Inatead if wielding that so as to send the wind throng?! tho strands of hair they manipulate it In such fruition that they blow a regular gale right Into tha ear, and tho corseiiuence la that for several dials after the shampoo tho cleansed locks clothe a head that Is the sent of a nilr.hty assonnent of aches snd pains. If, Instead of tha ears, tho hnlr Itself wero made Ilia center of tho artllleinl cyclone, tho drying dry-ing process would be effected mure quickly nnd a at vere attack of earache averted." |