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Show UNITED STATES BATTLESHIP KEARSARGE PROVES ITSELF THE FASTEST FIGHTING FORT AFLOAT Parasol That Are Toilet Bottle. The newebt parasol and umbrella has more than one mission to fulfil. Those of latest Importation hhve richly and exquisitely carted art nouveau handles of whitest ivory They are long and heavy and screw on to the wooden shaft that supports their silken mounting These handles are hoi low and contain a tiny six inch vial to be filled with cologne or toilet water. By pressing an ornament in the carving of the handle the top of the vial opens and studs out a spray of its fragrant contents to moisten a handkerchief or dampen the temples of a fatigued or fainting lady. Sometime the handle of the parasol Is filled with delicious Russian balls Instead of cologne. Pretty Theater Waist. Blouse of straw colored silk trimmed with lace and with hunches of grapes In a raised, white applique The embroidery. lace forms a sort of yoke, with extending points down on the a sleeves, and waistcoat t ordered with a band of the silk and fast e ened witn passtv-menteri- ami straps Mras bufons over a plastron of colored straw mousseline de sole, which is shirred and puffed and covered at the bottom with ruffles of white lace. The sleeves are made and trimmed to correspond. Wiener Mode Album. The Curvature of the Earth. At the last reception and exhibition of the Royal Society in London, H. Yule Oldham showed how one could demonstrate the curvature of the earth with a camera having a Dallmeyer telephoto lens. A canal in Norfolk Is crossed by two bridges six miles apart; marks were fixed on both bridges and half way between them, all three at the same level above the water. The cameia permitted' of photographing the three marks from the one end, and the middle mark appears above the others. Pretty Door Drapery. Abolish the cheap, trashy, musty, disease-breedincosy corner out of starts out for a long walk, the longer pound to a paste the yolks of five hard the better. She chooses the sunny boiled eggs, a small piece of butter, side of the street and starts off at a a little salt, a teaspoonful of anchpvj smart trot If she is seeking for slim- sauce, & teaspoonful of curry powder, ness she covers resting five miles without Fancy Waist. Blouse of gray louKine, made with box plaits and trimmed with bands of cerise liberty. The front is ornamented motifs with and pendants of . a teaspoonful of bread crumbs and tablespoonful of French dressing. Tb paste should have the consistency of butter. Spread It between thin allcei of buttered bread, placing a lettuct leaf In each sandwich. Trim and cut In the usual manner. Dainty Floral Muslins. Floral muslins and delaines will passementerie on, The shoulder col- make pretty summer dresses later embroidare and there many daintily all lar, tucked ered Indian muslins to be Reen, will over, is bordered worked i with the cerise elaborate floral designscream-colored soft thread white upon bard and trimmed or of with applique mo- grounds. With loucbes of black bodice the emerald vivid upon green tifs of black Chanthese Indian muslin gowns will b tilly The sleeves are plaited on the charming for garden parties outside, the plaits Blouse of Ecru Tusser Silk. to opening out form puffs, which The yoke and tops or the sleeve are drawn In to form cuffs trimmed are plain and trimmed with tabs of with the cerise bands Tie girdle Is the material piped of the cense liboty Xeutsto Blou-can- . with red taffeta diag-o- t nrd striped ally vv it h red and Here Is Something Nice. yedow galloon. To the yoke Savory Cheese Put six ounces of this giatt d r ho ve at d a tahlepoontul of blouse Is ' plaited In fine fine (ornmeal into a basin, mix plait 3 flpvrr with a pinch each of which open out way ground mare and cayenne, add the about half yolks of two eggs, a tablespoonful of tiown. In the midcream and one ounce of boiled butter, dle of the front is work the mixture till smooth, pour a wide box plait. into a saucepan, and stir over the The full sleeves fire until It beglrs to thicken, then are plaited at the let cool. Take some light rough paste, top In the same roll It out Into two even sized pieces, way and are finishspread one with the mixture, moisten ed with deep cuffs trimmed with the the edges, brush over with beaten egg, tabs. Wiener Chic. rut Into even-size- d squares, and bake for fifteen minutes, gerve hot Claret Jelly With Cream. Soak an ounce of gelatine in a gill of water, and then pour over it half a pint of boiling water and stir till the gelatine has dissolved; add one pint and a quarter of claret, the juice of half a lemon, and sufficient sugar to taste. If you have it, also a little roycau. Place the Jelly in a wotted border mold, and when set turn out. Fill the caVity To serve wnn meats: With roast beef, grated horseradish. with Havered wblppeu cream tinted a Roast veal, tomato or horseradish delicate pink. sauce. Roast mutton, currant Jelly. Roast pork, apple sauce. Roast lamb, mint Educe. Roast turkey, chestnut dressing, cranberry Jelly. Roast goose tart apple sauce. Roast canvasback duck, apple bread, Dampen the clothes for Ironing with hot water. This dampens them much black currant Jelly. Roast quail, currant Jelly, celery more evenly than cold; also the things will be found ready for the ironing sauce. more quickly. Roast chicken, bread sauce. Fried chicken, cream gravy, corn A wooden rolling plij, without hanfritters dles and covered with flannel Is used by one woman when pressing sleeves and wristbands. The pin Is Inserted Sandwiches You Will Like. Sandwich a la Mars. Take equal into the sleeve, which, she says, will quantities of almonds and walnuts and then press as readily as If It were a chop them fine. Moisten with a little flat surface. French dressing, then spread on thin The care of gold, decorations on slices of buttered bread. Add a crisp china has been a source of debate with leaf of lettuce to each slice, cover with housekeepers. Many fceneve that It the other buttered slice, press together should not be put Into hot water. A gently, trim off the brown crust and dealer says that It will stand unlimcut diagonally In two. ited washings In hot water If soap la Celery Sandwich Chop and then omitted. The United States battleship Kearsarge ended a remarkable speed trial when it steamed Into French man's Bay, Me, after a S.000 mile trip from The Needles, England, to test Its title to being the world'! , fastest battleship It covered the distance of nearly 3,Q0 miles In nine days four, hoars and fifteen mlnntea. , FASTEST semi-barbarl- c fv- - na , blnp Leaving The July IT the Mount Desert p m., covering less than :i mio Needles at 1:25 p. m, Kearsarge arrived at rock July 26 at 12 30 the distance of slightly miles in nine days four and one qua.Ji.u- hours,, ahnn-Ui- a In time is taken Into consideration. This performance makes the Kearsarge a worthy compeer of the- Ore-gin- , which wlibsood the hardest test to which such a vet-sesubever jected on Its world famous trip of 14 000 miles from San Francisco to Sant ago. The trip of the Kearsarge has demonstrated that a .ship of its class can mairtain an average speed of over thirteen knots on a lorg voyage without Injury to Its machinery; that Its coal canying capacity Is adequate lor a trip of 4 000 miles under full speed; that In time of war ships of this class can cross the ocean and engage an enemy at once; and that the Kearsarg Is one of the most perfect ships in the world, and fully equal to any emergency, I df not krow that there is a great deal to say, said Capt. , Hemphill - - - s l NEGRO "We bad a good trip, but I can imagine circumstances under which we might better it considerably. In fact, but for a few untoward happenings we would have come acrosa under nine days. As It U, we are about four and a quarter hour over nine days. Our orders told us to go from The Needles to Mount Desert rock under natural draft. We bad fair weather most of the way, but we encountered one gale, about a fifty mile gale, and also some trouble from fog We were obliged to and Icebergs. slow down considerably on account of the latter, and one day averaged only about ten knots. We also lost a trifle of time in picking up the rock. The officers and men have all done their full duty and worked, with a will They are considerably Ured, but If they had the orders they would cheerfully steam back again. "The Kearsarge is In excellent condition, save that it Is dirty, as we took on a deck toad of coal on the superstructure deck and wa have traces of that with us. We arrived just about the time 1 anticipated, and so far as everything but Coal is could go back just as well and rapidly. We had 1,640 tons of coal when we left England, and now have 400 tons In the bunkers. This would be enough to lsst four days under economical steam. The trip at this time of the year, could be made much more rapidly If w were going from Mount Desert Rock to The Needle rather than the other way, as we encountered head winds, head currents, r and head seas." Is imsaid that it Capt, Hemphill possible to give the exact figures of the several days runs, as they must go first to the department "As a matter of fact, 1 have not the data for the exact figures as yet" he said. . "We have been np the last three days and nights practically all the time and have not spent muck POST MAY BE WHEELER8. TREATS VISIT WITH HUMOR. concerned A FINE LINGUIST. Remarkable Talent Shown by Wash- Prominently mentioned as New Ambassador to France. ington Colored Man. It diplomatic circles it la generally Daring the pope's illness there was a host of callers at the apostolic del- conceded that in the event of Gen. egation In WaEhlrgton. Tlieir visits Horace Parker's giving up the poslmost of the one notice brought into remarkable negroes in the country, James J. Mattinglv, who answers the doorbell. He Is 21 years old and a of eorsider&ble parts." linguist James can talk In five different languages and Is studying three or four more. The boy talks fluertly tn English, French, Italian, Latin and Greek, and la now studying Spanish. Portuguese, German 'and other languages. He has a mania for language studies and Cardinal Satolll, formeriy the apostolic delegate to this rounlry. Cardinal MarfinelH and Bishop Rooher, who for many years was the secretary have all of the apoBtolic-ddegathyouth to conquer helped the the classics. Hla parent can hardly read or write. 4. semi-barbarl- c Jet-blac- k ka-za- k i d to prob-siabl- Q I ft 000. Tbls will equal the governments gold reserve ard will be much larger than the capitalization f any banking or financial instltut'on In the world. Van's Future Life. Dr. W. T. Moore, dean emeritus of the Missouri Bbla college In Colum- ?rtty llrllsh Drestes of Pongee, Dotted Greet Lawn, Striped Leutsfne and LI non d'lnde. bia, has completed the manuscript cf a bcok in which he endeavors to shew that man will go on progre?sirg through The cycles, of etBruiiy,snd that when he assumes fcls Eptr'tual body at the resurrection he then will be prepared to Inhabit some of the planets crVaffs whtrit are, now urfnthat crrcludes fcabfteL Tnecuthor the lnfintttrle of mace and the almost IcteB'gl-bl- e Infinitude cf worlds he-ofrom his point cf view. Dr. Moore Is a theokgian of reputation la this -ountry and t. Fume. In round time making estimates. numbers, we have covered 2,9C0 miles In nine days four and a quarter hours." , With this for a starter It Is sees that the Kearsarge on the" trip scrosi has logged on an average of 13 knots an hour. Capt HempblU stated that the best days run averaged about IS knots, while the slowest was 10 knots. This was on the day that the proximity of icebergs interfered with speed, During the entire trip Commander Abraham P. Zane, the chief engineer! scarcely left the engine room ' long enough to sleep, .No small credit is due to Lieut William P, Pratt, the chief navigator, under whose care the Kearsarge hardly deviated a hair from the exact course in the trip . from The Nedles. , In going across the ocean to partlcU pate In the naval display at Kiel the battleship Kearsarge made the best sifted for the distance ever made by a battleship. The route from New York to The Needles, 3 345 miles, was traversed without a stop tor any cause Lt sn average speed of 12.63 knots an hour, 14 to 15 knots an hour being re- corded for the final two daya Capt Joseph Nr Herophlll. the commanding officer, has had experience in speeding ships. He commanded the Buffalo when it established the tbirty-aln- e day record from Manila. 1 -- Caricaturist Ssrles on Loubeta Trip to England. , Carsn DAche, perhaps tbs first of. french caricaturists, treats the visit of Loubet to England as pure persiflage. In a series of four cartoons he represents France and England as the two high contracting parties t the following weighty convention: France, on her part, undertakes to speak no more of Crecy or Agincourt and to remember them as seldom as whereof possible- - In consideration England consents to forget all about Fontenoy, except as to the good manners of tbe belligerents (a pretty allusion to tbe "Messieurs , les Anglais, fire first"). ,No more is to be thought of 8L. Helens and the French bind e themselves by against chaffing the British tourlstJn comic song, thp tourlt reciprocating by ceasing to present himself at the theater tn summer flat nels. self-denyin- g fcrdl-nanc- Transvaal to Bs Crown Colony. The announcement In the British parliament of the future military arrangements Ursoutlr Africa, coupled with Gen. Bothas manifesto denounc- The WoridS Largest Bank. New York City Is to have the largest bank in the LcitedS.atpg and in the world It will be ferger than the Bank of Ergand or of any of the famed financial It Etitutlons of the old world. The refusal of tna government to sanction the venture la the only thing that will prevent earning oute the scheme. It it rot that any obstacle will be met aa the same safeguard. will be insisted on and tue same 'precautions taken by the gov .rrmect after the organization as are talen row in the smallest bank In the United States, d Needed for a Picnic. A spot on the edge of the woods, Several persons with water near. with a sense of humor. A camp fire where corn and potatoes may be roasted and coffee boiled. A red tablecloth and little napkins. Wood -ea "plates, knives, forks and spoons All sorts of sandwiches, carefully packed and wrapped in waxed paper. Rye bread with chopped peppers brown bread with Creaih cheese, let tuce and chopped and seasoned mea sandwiches are best Lettuce In a pail and dressing In a bottle. Tiny Deviled eggs lr buttered biscuits. waxed paper wrappers. A roast chick en, disjointed and ready for slicing toe cream In bricks and whole cakes A nice picnic menu Is: Sandwiches cold breast of chicken, cold veal loaf water-cress- , potato salad and stuffed 'eggs, cake, coffee and Ice cream. Exercise Brings Beauty. Every woman who wishes to retalr her health and beauty should walk a' least two miles a day. As soon a1 breakfast is finished the woman whf knows the proper way to care for he health rests for half an hoar and then THE WORLD. Proud Record Held by United State Battleship Kearsarge. With a g'oat wave under Its bow and a blai k cloud of smoke pouring from 1th two Limit's, the battleship I'ear'nrpe steamed into the harbor at Bar llailwr, "Me, July 26, ending the no t i email-ablpassage ever made a the ocean by a battleship and u,g a recoid from England to thL. country for that class of thor-ouphl- your hall The art of oraplng began long before the birth of Christ, In the people, and yet, day of when It comes to furnishing a bouse, some of us are yet Let us not fill our rooms too full; far better have fewer furnishings, -- rid the few of better quality. Most Important of all, have your color schemes harmonious In their general effects, and do not try to make Impossible combinations. The accompanying sketch shows an arched door "leading from hall to library. The drawing sufficiently-explai- ns the method of treatment This cover and a couch with a thrown over It Is sufficient drapery for any large hall. Los Angeles Times. IN tlon 61 American ambassador to France, Benjamin Ido Wheeler will be given the posL TAVERN LANDMARK . Led! 18 BURNED. by.. .Washing ton and Jefferson. After standing as a hostelry aljout 140 years, the Lodi hotel at Kearney, N, ' J., has been - destroyed by fire. Gens. Washington and Lafayette are counted among the historical person-age- s who put up at tbe old tavern. They passed s night there shortly before the battle of Monmounth. Early In Its history Its location made It a safe resort for the sporting element and It jwas a noted place for ail kinds cf sports. In more recent years the Lodi hotel waa a gathering place for lie English and Scotch ipoitmien interested In quoltfng and dog racing. It was the place where the latter sport began in this country. Anothej sporting class which made the old hotel prominent were tbe trapsboojters of Ihe latter half of laqt century. .Motet-Patroniz- ed. ing the present Chamberlaln-Milne- r system of government as despotic, marks a new stage In handling Englands greatest colonist problem. There is no doubt that the intention is to govern the Transvaal as a crown colony in the strlstest sense of the term that is to say, solely by officials appointed from England and backed by a large and permanent military The tentative schemes garrison. men whlchSecretaryChamberlaln tioned during bis African tear of advisory counsl!s where elected Boer delegates were ' to sit have been abandoned. , Great French Poet Charles Dumas, who has been boa-- , ored by the Society of Men of Letters n of Paris with the prize, which Is equivalent to being made poet laureate of France, Is aa exceedingly young man, r Just out of his teens. HIs" poetical works have, the fire of genius and ha seems to ho possessed of more than the average mental balance for a poet He ts the rising poetical star, and bis recognition by so Important a critical body as tbe society of which Marcel Pro vost is preeident is as great s com pllment as the bestowal of the latK reate wreath. ; |