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Show "Lady" Chimney Swetpa. For alnrtling Inniivoiliina. eappclally la tho woman'a nphore of activity, Ituaala runa Amor lea very bard. The laloat move In thla direction la rhron-Irlod rhron-Irlod In the Ht. Puturaburg Preaa. The daring Innovator la the widow of a chimney nweep who died recently, k'avlng half a doien olive branohoe, II of them girla. Neoelty, which la the mother of Invention, haa now In-plred In-plred thla thoughtrul woman to take lo her huahand'e calling, and In order lo do the thing thoroughly whllo ahe la about It, ahe menna to form a w hole, guild of femnlo awpa. If the police Irani the needed periulaalun. Hy way of aaalilunta. nr. aa Ijimb termed litem, iinlledged practltlntmra," ahe prnfiweia to train up girla between Ihe agea of a and 12. whllo tho full blown memliera uf the guild would In-cludo In-cludo girla and women from 14 lo 85. Tho nrat apiicarniice of theao novel aweepa la fixed fur Auguat 1. London Dally Telcgraiih. |