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Show WOMEN FIRE FIGHTER8. Lidles In Spanish Honduras Help to Subde Conflagration. A disastrous firn occurred In Celba, Sfardsh Honduras. July 15, tho particulars partic-ulars of which hnvo Just been received by stesmer. Tho flro originated In tbe dwelling house and store) of Antonio An-tonio Pl7.zlntl and spread quickly to tbe building; of thn Vaccsro Draft.' Steamship company, a two-story frame, the largest building In Coiitral America. Mnny houses caught flro ,sni tbe ftames covered the city. The stores of Iifltte ft Alurez. P. D'Vmix Co. and several ot tiers of Ilka character char-acter were consumed, together with many small stores and residences. The fflrlals and people, under Julio Augn-larla, Augn-larla, the commandant, and Jose Ta-mala, Ta-mala, nrganlred a bucket brigade. In which even the women served. |