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Show AN Ui'insiN,, IN n;i;.v RlBELS ARE SIMPLY TOO LAZY TO WORK. Although the Full Extent of the Trouble Is Not Yet Known, the Government is Abls to Cope With the Situation. tn spll of tho assertion made by Bftnor Yero. secretary of thn Interior, tlat the killing of three men and the esptnre of a fourth man, their leader, who had attempted to causa an uprls-llf uprls-llf In the Tlelnlty of Payamo, profiles prof-iles of Pantlago, effectively ended the only semblance of an uprising In Cuba, Ike nimora of uprisings In eastern Cut were fully confirmed Thursday Il the Rovernment'a reports received from the governor and other officials of Santiago province. ThoFe are to the effect that since tho night of Blindly Blin-dly last sixty armed and mounted nes have appeared oulsldo villages In Its Cauto river district, prolalmlng a revolution and demanding the pay-Best pay-Best of the former members of the revolutionary army. So acts of violence hnvo been reported, re-ported, but tho Inhabitants of th Canto region are excited. The leader of the revolutionary parly la named Pupo. lie Is a brother of one of the kudlts killed hy tho rural guard on Tuesday. Gcnoial Hodrlgui-7!, rommanderlnr ehlef of thn rural guard, haa ordered thl moMII.-.ntliin of all Ihe rural Iruirds In eastern Culm nnd the governor gov-ernor of Hautlnuo prnvlnm haa been Initrueted to eut ns many volun tetra an may be deemed necessary to cooperate with the mounted tnsips. flecrelnry of Ihe Interior Ycro says there I no doubt that thn authorities will be nhle to cope successfully with ths situation, a nil report, ho add, area that popular sentiment Is with the government of President Pnlma, aid that those who hnvo risen In rebellion re-bellion mostly belong to thn wanton Isxy class of Puerto Principe. |