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Show PROPHECY THAT WENT WRONG. Blaine Unable to Sea Political Future for RooaevelL Hnmponn In Maine has dug up s atory of Hip llopiililicnn nntlunnl con-vontlon con-vontlon In 1HK4, when lllalno wan nominated: nom-inated: When the convention was In full blant a number of frlenda wore with Mr. lllalno, helping to Interpret mpsaagea that chine over the wire. When newa came of Theodore Rooae-velt'a Rooae-velt'a brief addrean the "plumed .night" turned to hla friends and aald: 'That fellow Roosevelt la a spoiled boy. He la trying to make capital out if abualng me, hut he will not amount to anything. I have watched public men all my life and 1 have nover known anyone who wan near-sighted to succeed. Ronsovelt will apend hla Ife In fighting tho inevitable." The arrator polnla out that what the far 'peing lllalnp fulled to get haa been von by the near-alghtod RooaevelL iiicagu Chronicle. |