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Show THE OLD RELIABLE POWDER Absolutely Pure TNUtE IS NO SUBSTITUTE LOCALS AND PERSONALS. Your return curd printed on 100 envelopes for 7j cent at THE TIMES office. W tX I Kl'--K VKH A I. I'kH-os (ip . cloira. -er an.l g..., t.-p.itt ,n ,,, e o h stale ..i,e hi U, ., n,.y re.,.1 r--,l, , l..,ie.e,,l and a.lv.n.e oi.l ee.at.lishe.1 "l-'l.e.. I... l.e , l.o.nl iMiaro lai -t Hiding. s,,,,,; week'v Willi ex. I',' ,''" ' "II .....ibleincsh I'.'' ""' el.,-..lu ( h--dolh.es I llor.-an t eiiiiHge I n,,. -he I .hen nec-e.-aiy. Il-I.ien.es. Kncl.se sel(-l-ilresaed envelope. Co.onial Co., :l:H lienrhoin street. Chicago. I'lilaiin Dud to AH, A grievous wait oftimia com. a aa a result of unbearable pain from over taxed tax-ed organs. Iiuniue.s, backache, liver complaint and constipation. Hut thanks to Iir. King's New Life Fills they pot an end to it all. They are gentle hut thorough. Try them. Duly l!6c, Guaranteed Guar-anteed by Jobn Bojden A Son.Urugglsti, Subscribe for THE TIMES. j Advertise your jjoorls in THIv ' TI.MhS. i TO 1 t in: SSI. II IN l,st I..IV Take Ijixailve llrou.o .iinn. Tablet.. Ail ilr ..vi-ts rel I t. - u.onev ,i n ,, 1 to cur., fc, 'V. dioie s signature is on I Vet llirr-ULr. There is an old albg .rial picture of a girl scared at :i gras.-hopi er, but in the ac of heedlessly treading onasnake.J Inn is parallel by the man a ho spends j a la rue Sinn of money building a cyclone 1 cellar, but neglecte to provide his family with a loitle. ol Chamberlaiu'a Colic, I Cholera and liiarrhoea Kou.e.ly as a I afegusrd against iaiwel complaints,! whosa victims outnumber those of the cyclone a hundred to one. This remedy is everywhere recognized as the most prompt and reliable medicine in use for these diseases. For sale I y Joho lloy- den A Hon. People's Mercantile Company. j. DEALERS IN j General Merchandise. i ALMA ELDREDGE. Mnnnger. i ; i Visible Typewriter la the Most Practical Typewriter for School or I Business Purposes, BECAUSE The writing i "rijjht before your eyes" all tlie time, which ha, never been accomplished by a Kt.in.latd, hiKli v'le Tynewvitet uiitll now. It i ncco:nt1Mied iu the LNriKKwr.nn i....i, ...... ' and Tfr-u'tlCanj'svithout th? samf' of a kiiijjIc pievious e.itinY' ' ' '"" ' atlvaiitaKc, but with the addition of many others never before obtainable. , as .s esa aia f,a a. wt .ve.esesie..sisie.ees..ieyy ) .!l,l;".,r",'11''i,"l''i","Mvl'i''11 ', ii ,,r "" ni"- o,,i" - '"'w - ' extm for Una. u Margmul Wopa are nil In fionl. lie type ,,,e clein,l mi mi In-larit without MHlinutl... hi.n.la It baa an 'Individual l' ,-v .1.MWe.,nlM',7l,'lI"',l Adjuatinent ol nil keya. The I ,f , . , ' ' I """'""" ' ' in an Inatant w'" "iisull tir iia.-ule. .Nocain.igel.ilill to aen if you have ma.h. ( o,,i(.,,,recti.mlu bene,, phne. Ita I.ighl Act Ka-e ol A, j, , - in- i nii.l Simplicity, make it the cusieat U, leal nau-r-t to opera!,. i n.,,1 east pa, ts ,., get out of order. I. la the Most 1),,,,, Tpewr , -V I il.eae u.lVa'u;::gea: ' '" M "" '' ' !' l THE UNDERWOOD is the only typewriter that ever received re-ceived the official endorsement of the Private Commercial School Manager's Aesociation. Collea of" ,h;'H,";;,:ry!,',, lN'' ,"'B"" "'" """",,f "'" """ !, It Is but doing Justice to yourself 10 !in!st!a! the merits of the UNDERWOOD Tjpewrltwr bafore bujlng. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER AGENCY, r.eneta! nj.ei.ts for Utah, loaho, Wyomii.K, Montana, Ntva.la. Otecjon, W.ishiiijjtun mid Colotailo, Ag'-nii lor CtlumtU P!innt(!'.pb Co'f. Pmdutii. yt,, (or (j,rlJHr( 2411 Washington Aye., OGDEN, UTAH. . f. jPerfumed and Medicated Soaps I j For toilet and hath. A new j line; the most complete ever dis- played in the city. 5 cts to 35 cts per cake. Try our "Crown Castile," 5 cts: Mn Bojden & Son. i |