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Show FASTEST IN THE WORLD. Proud Record Held by United States D.lttlcihip Kearsnrgo. With a ft it uvm under Ita bow and a blie k cloud cf amoV.p poiii lnu from ItH two -l the batlleslilp ITcar-nrce steamed li.lo tho UavUir nt liar Harbor. M"., July III, endliiR the tie : t tciiini l,,iltle p:.-:np:n over ten.!'' . n-s the i c. uu by a battleship ami c tniiVliii k a reconl from Kuk-land Kuk-land to thin country for that elm's of ship. Lenvlrc The Needles nt 1:15 p. m. July 17 the Kc,i,.Hii-e nrrlveil at Mount lcerl roik July :n at 13 .11) p. m., rove-ltii: the dlsinnce of sllitlitly le.i tliun ll io.ii mis s lu nine du.vs four and on"qirn:t- r hours, when the dlf-fi-:enr e In lime Is till en Into consideration. consid-eration. This p rrennarce nviVin the Kenr-sarce Kenr-sarce a worlliv 'omp er of (he tin. (till, which Hi :o,,l the hardest lest to which such a eiel hit was nub-Jeet nub-Jeet -d on Its until ruinous trip of lieeo mlb-s from Hun Krnncisio to Part 'aro. The trip of the Kenrsnrgp has doinoitftniti it that a .ship of Its class can tunlrtiiln nn nvenij-e speed of over thirteen Ki.ots on n loi u voynr.o with ut In 11 1 y to Mil machinery; that Its co.il mnili t eiipaelly Is ail-cquiilu ail-cquiilu for a trip of KIIJ miles under i full speed; thnt In tliii of war ships of this class can crous the ocean ami srirnro an enemy at onre; nnd that Ihn KenrarR H on- of the mo.it perfect per-fect ships In the world, and fully onual to any cmeri.-ei'cy. "I do? not krow Unit thorn Is ft (tronl deal to any," snld fapl. Ileuiphlll. "We had ft S'sul (rip, but t can lm-BRino lm-BRino clri iimstaiices under hlch wo mlKliI hotter It conslilerahly. In fact, but for a few untoward happcnltiRS wo would have como across under nlnn days. As It Is, we aro about four and ft quarter hours over nlno days. Our outers told us to no from Tho Needles to Mount Hesert risk uuder natural dnift. Wo had fair weather moat of tho way. hut wo encountered en-countered one i:n1n. aliout a fifty mile i:nle, and also aomo tniuhto from fox and Ircbnriia. Wo wero obliged to slow down considerably on act-ount of the latter, and ono day avcraitcd only about ton knota. We alao losi a trillo of tlmo In picking up the rock. "The olllcuis and men havo all done their full duty nnd worked with ft will. They urn considerably Hied, but If ihey hail tho orders thoy would cheerfully steam bnck aimln. 'The Kisirsiire Is In eneelleut ron-dltlon, ron-dltlon, Muvn that It Is illriy. ns we look on a dock loud of ccnl on Ihe superstrui-ture deck and wo have tracea of that with us. We arrived Just aliout thn time I anticipate!, and so far as everything; but coal Is concerned con-cerned could no hack lust as well and rntnilly. Wo had l.tln tone of coal when wo left KiiRhind. and now have 4o(i tons In the hunkera. Thla would bo enough to last four days under economical steam. The trip at this time of Ihe year, could he niailo much morn rapidly If we wero frolnir from Mount Hesert Hock In Tho Needles rather than Ihn other way, aa wo encountered en-countered hend winds, head currents, and head seas." I Cnpl, Hemphill snld that It. la lm- imissHiIo to Hlvo the exact fltiurea of tho several days' nine, as thoy tnnsl go first o the depart nii'nL "Aa a matter of 1'art, 1 havo not tho dnta for tho exact tliturea as yet." ho said. "Wo have been tip tho lnt three daya and nlehtB pr.n tlcally all the tlmo and have not spent much lime niakltiR osttiintos. In roun4 numbers, wo have i-ovorod 2.lir.0 miles In nlnn days four and a quarter hours." With this for starter H Is sees thst tho 1. . smite on tho trip scroll has lo-' ' a an av-race of 13 1 1 knota an ' . Cnpt, Hemphill slated that the bcsl dny's run avrai;ei about IS knots, white the slowest was 10 knota. This was on tho day thai I tho proximity of lecheries Interferes! with spiH-d. Iiiirlnif the entire trip Commander Abrnhnm P. Zino, tho chief engineer acarci'ly left the ent;tno room lonM enotluh to sleep. No email credit la dun to I.lent. William P. Pratt, the chief navigator, under whoso caro the Kearsnrro hardly deviated ft hair , from the exact ouri.-. In the trl from The Nedlea. In itoltiR across the ocean to partlcl pate In tho naval dlnpluy at Kiel the; battleship KoarsurRc made tho boat speed for the distance ever made by ft battleship. The route from Now York to The Needles, 1 2ITi miles, was trar. orsed without ft Mop for any cause ut - - , an avnrafto apeed of 12.(13 knots an hour, M to 16 knots an hour being re-- cnriled for tho llnnl two daya, CnpL Joseih N. Hemiihlll, thn commanding ofllcor. has had oxiMirlence In apeed- lug rhlpa. He commanded the Muffar lo when It estahllahod the tblrt; -nlne I day record from Manila. f |