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Show Nlnn.il l',.ll..r. Pi leet some mutinl polaloes of equnl also, wnidi t' etn thorotitlily, nud bake them until they are cooked In a well heated oven, rut n small plecn from the top of each nud carefully remnve the Inside, tiklntc car it to break the skin: ndd some butter (alhnvhii: a liberal qtmutliyi and milk to the potato, pit's It throiiuh a masher nnd heat It mull It Is Hi-lit ereamy: season It we.l with celery salt, pepper nud nut-hick, nut-hick, nud ndd some lieaien vuis (Hie latter limy he tiiulttedi. Ki'plnie suf Ihlent of the potato to Imir till the kins, pressing It ilrmly ajalnsi I lie rides with Die baintle i.r a small sp.Mill, mid till the inhldle u,Hi a delicately Ihivored inline, iiimle either ofibli ken or veal: put n siuull pie - of butler tin the top of ench putato whore Hie Killing Is. then ecntter with browticd fiiiiuhs, and place In n quick oven for llhollt leu lillllllle.. The inn. bed poiiitn H hh h Is 'left can be utilised tut potato rissoles or III t It- Innvea. |