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Show HANGED FROM TELEPHONl POLE. Mob Avsnge the Murder of Llttlel Mubel Richards. William Hamilton, who assaulted mutlbted and murdered Mnbel Itlch arils, It year old. waa han:e. hy moli Wednesday morning at 12:1 .1, nl Aoiln V'u-h The moli stormed thi Inll and carried the primmer threo blocks and hanged him to a telegrnpl .le. Ilimlllon who wa agwl 21 year, poiifi-ssed to the niiinler and mutit tlon of th" Utile girl, whic-o body wns found near Aniitone. Wanh., Monda. afternoon The child wa watlald hy lfamllloa while en route to the Hntiilny Meh.Mil The dead girl wa the daughter ol SlierllT Kliliards of Asotin riiunty Hamilion I a farmer who hna reside. I In the roiiniy a number of yearn. When the ronfcMKlun wa mndn public pub-lic the i I Intense feeling wa aniuved. and eruly Tueiday night l.eno piiiile g ithered nt thn Jail, but It was not until Wednesday morning that the attack wa mado and tlm lynching occurred. Aa Ihe leader emerged from thn Jail with the terror xtrli ken den. I tlio mob took up thi cry and ho waa heat-en, heat-en, kicked nnd dragged to a point three hh Us away, whero he was hanged to a guy wire of a telephone I The oftlcerH refuted to deliver thn keyn, but were mi ii-ituuniliered hy the n-nii ed rimli th'tt iliey niade no r sin, nice wlili llroirma. Aiter the hanging ti e mob 1 i - erfcl. |