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Show Tranavaal to Be Crown Colony. The announcement In the Urlllsh i parliament of thn future military ar ratiRvmeuls In sou Hi Africa, couple! with (len. Ilolliu's rianlfusto denouncing denounc-ing the prchcnt Chamberlain minor system of government fts despotic. . marks new atugo In handling Kiig- . land's greatest colonial problem. There la no doubt that tho lutonlloa Is to govern the Trinomial aa ft rrowb colony In tho atrlsteal sense of the , term that la to say, solely by olllclals appointed from Kugland and hacked . by largo and permanent military garrison. Tho tentative schemes I which Secretary Chamberlain moo- Honed during his African tour ot d-vlaory d-vlaory cotinslls whoro elected Doer dolccatca wero to sit havo boon abaa-doued. abaa-doued. ' |